chapter 22

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Jimin POV -3 week skip-

I pulled up to the familiar house it's 6:30 in the morning the sun is rising in the sky and I have two warm coffees in my cup holders I check to make sure the heat is at the right temperature for him.

I park in front of the house, not the driveway like I usually do when picking him up for school we have a tradition for the mornings.

I soon see a little mop of brown hair in a fuzzy black cardigan come out of the house he smiled and waved at me from his porch he walked over to my car and open the door letting the cold air in for a second.

I soon see a little mop of brown hair in a fuzzy black cardigan come out of the house he smiled and waved at me from his porch he walked over to my car and open the door letting the cold air in for a second

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He got in the car his cheeks red from the cold freckles on his nose he closes the door and took off his backpack and buckled up I smiled at him my heart fluttering just watching him.

He then leaned over the seat and planted a soft minty kiss on my lips he just popped a mint before he got outside he pulled back and smiled at me.

"Morning cupcake," he said softly I smiled at the nickname he likes to call me all kinds of pet names it's cute.

"Morning baby, did you sleep well?" I asked as I put the car in drive and drove towards the school.

"Ugh no I have a paper due today and I had to make edits to it and do citations all that boring crap didn't go to bed until 2ish" he huffed I frowned and kissed his hand since we were holding hands.

"Damn I'm sorry but you look very beautiful this morning," I said he chuckled

"You say that every day," he said I shrugged.

"Cause every day you look so nice I'm so lucky," I said he blushed he leaned over again and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Minnie," he said "How was your morning? Is your Mom okay?" He asked I nodded

Last night we texted and call to say goodnight I told him my mom was sick and couldn't go to work she just had a cold but Yoongi still had chicken soup delivered to my apartment.

"She's fine thank you baby," I said he nodded and hummed to the radio.

"I'm glad I was worried for a bit we can get her some medicine after school if you want," he said

God I'm so lucky to have him

We arrive at school I park in my spot and then put the car into the park I move my seat back and grab the breakfast in the back seat he makes grabby hands at me as I hand him his breakfast sandwich.

So every day before school I grab or make us both breakfast and coffee or smoothies we go to school and eat breakfast in my car it's my favorite time of the day just us watching the sunrise in the sky because the rest of the school day I don't get to talk to him.

"Oh shit this is delicious" he hummed biting his breakfast bagel I chuckled.

"I can tell your moaning while eating," I said he nodded

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