chapter 21

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Jimin POV

"I can't do it," I said picking at my sandwich it's Valentine's Day and after lunch, we are supposed to give out our Valentine's cards and the teacher bought cupcakes for us.

"Stop being a dweeb give it to them!" Hoseok said as he ate his pudding cup we sat at lunch together.

"Yeah Jimin maybe you will be the first to have a girlfriend after this" Namjoon said I huffed because the person I'm giving this yellow card to that took me a while to make isn't for a girl...

It's for him

A boy

Min Yoongi

I'm in the 5th grade when I started to have I believe are strong feelings towards the cute boy because everything he does catches my eye with his big gummy smile and his around cheeks and freckles all over his face...

I think I like him

It's confusing I don't understand why but I know I like him...not just as a friend I can't make sense of my feelings but I just know I want him to be next to me to see his smile up close and to maybe play tag or push him on the swings.

"Maybe..." I whispered softly my feet down touch the ground so I swing them.

"Go right now and put it on their desk!" Namjoon said with a small

"Yeah act like your going to the bathroom and slip into your classroom leave it on her desk," Hoseok said I look at the yellow card on my lap.

It's on yellow paper folded to look like a card on the front there are red hearts with smiley faces on the inside it says.

Happy Valentine's!

- Jimin

It said that in big bubble letters I used glitter pens each letter is a different color like the rainbow

I drew more hearts on the inside of the card I was proud of it excited to see his face when he opened it but nervous to give it to him since we don't talk anymore.

And I think he hates me

My friends convinced me to go slip it on his desk so I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and once I left the cafeteria I made a beeline for the classroom it's a good thing Hoseok and Namjoon aren't in my class and I'm glad Yoongi is in my class.

I peek in just to make sure no one is inside the room and it's clear so I walk in and see his desk I know the card exchange will be after lunch and everyone is supposed to put their Valentine's Day cards in the small shoeboxes we decorate yesterday but the card I made him is bigger than my hand and won't fit in the box so I place it on his desk and leave the little lollipop I also got him.

My little heart is beating fast as I walk back to the cafeteria lunch will be over soon then he will see my gifts.


We walked back to class in a line yoongi was a few students in front of me I was nervous the whole walk back once we arrived in the class the students ran to the cubbies to get the Valentine's they bought for everyone I also got stuff for other students but they were simple ones my Eomma got from the store no special meaning like the one I hand made yoongi.

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