chapter 51

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Jimin POV

"Jimin!" I hear as the front door swings open and there he stands brown hair styled into a mullet now and he looks adorable.

It's Christmas Eve and Yoongi invited me over his family is having a small party with all his family members like his grandparents and shit and I'm super nervous I brought gifts for everyone I stuffed them into two giant gift bags that I have in each hand.

"Jimin?" I hear again I snap out of it and look at that boy in front of me.

"Oh hi baby," I said he smiled and hugged my arms around my neck I relaxed in his embrace and hugged back.

"Come in! All my family is inside" he cheered and pulled me into the door shut behind me.

But instead of pulling me to the living room or kitchen, he pulls me upstairs to his room we step inside he shut the door and twirled back to face me.

"So?" He said I blink at him

"Huh?" I said he sighed

"My sweater? Isn't it cute!" He said I looked him up and down but nodded.

"Of course baby, you always look cute," I said he smiled and went to his closet and pulled a matching sweater out of the closet

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"Of course baby, you always look cute," I said he smiled and went to his closet and pulled a matching sweater out of the closet.

"I know matching sweaters are super cheesy but my mom thought it would be cute," he said holding the sweater in front of me he looks so happy and my anxiety is overwhelming me.

I didn't even notice I was staring so long at the sweater until he put it down and frowned looking at me.

"Jimin are you okay? You seem distracted" he said I sighed and put down the bags and plopped on the bed.

"Sorry love it's just...I have never met a boyfriend's family before and I'm nervous I want them to like me I freaking styled my hair for 20 minutes and I just wanna make a good impression because your so wonderful and important to me what if they think I'm not good enough for you.." I said looking at the ceiling but soon I feel a weight next to me he is cuddling my side.

"Hey it's okay don't be nervous your amazing and I love you and I wanna be with you and I'm sorry if I was pushy early you don't have to wear the sweater I was just excited but don't worry I'm sure everyone will love you" he whispered hugging my side I moved so I was hovering over him and kissed him cupping his face.

"I love you too and you weren't pushy it was cute how excited you were and I'd be happy to match with you baby," I said he smiled and rub our noses together.

"Okay, and it's not like it's my whole family just my parents, grandparents, aunt, and uncle, and Lisa oh! And my brother and his wife" he said I process his words and quickly get off him.

"Brother!? You have a brother you said you were an only child??" I said he sat on his bed.

"I'm basically am one he is 11 years older than me," he said I start pacing back and forth.

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