chapter 6

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Jimin POV

The bell rang signaling school is finally over I'm mentally exhausted I head to my locker and pack up my junk and it sucks cause I can't find any of my friends Namjoon has been MIA lately doing god knows what and Taehyung and Hoseok are probably making out I don't know with those two anymore.

Since I drove here I decide to hold back and walk around lost in my thoughts the school looks so big and scary empty I pop my headphones in and wander around my brain going into hyper drive with my over think character trait.

I hit play on my phone and "Diamonds" by Sam Smith plays I turn up the volume and continue walking around.

I should have just confessed all those times in middle school at least he would know how I felt maybe consider me to be the one at his side to hold his hand to be the shoulder he leans on to hold his cheeks in between my hands with his adorable freckles and kiss his pink lips...because shit I wanna kiss him so bad I try not to be creepy but sometimes I can't help but stare at him he is so endearing even in the little things he does they why he smiles at his friends or how he scrunchies up his nose at things or blows his bangs out of his face and god damn that boy is so smart he could probably skip a bunch of grades but he doesn't and he tutors another's who don't understand he wears cute sweater and shirts he dyes his hair a lot he as always been so kind and thoughtful puts other first he is nice to everyone even when he rejects boys and girls he does it so sweetly they aren't even mad at him afterwards no wonder he is so popular him and jin are the most popular boys in school.

He captured so many hearts without even trying to hard just being himself win everyone over

Just being Min Yoongi

And I hate how I was the first to be cruel towards him to make him cry to see the betrayal in his eyes...I will never forgive myself for hurting someone so innocent and sweet who just wanted a friend.

The song changes to "Save your tears" by the weekend plays I start to head towards the student parking lot and once I opened the door I noticed how hard it was raining a dark storm in the sky loud thunder guess I didn't hear it with my music playing loud in my ears.

As I step outside I see someone sitting on the bottom of the stairs still be covered my the awning above us there back to me but I automatically know who it is.

I watch him he looks cold hands tucked into his sleeves swaying back and forth I walk closer. He hasn't noticed me yet maybe the rain is to loud he sticks his hand out getting rain drops in his palm letting them pool up there.

I have a mental battle with myself before I speak and move to stand next to him he finally looks up and we lock eyes his warm brown eyes looking at mine long eyelash fluttering against his round cheek covered in his cute freckles I huff and sit next to him he looks confused and moves away a bit I sigh and close my eyes face up at sky until someone pull out my ear bud then his soft voice hits my ears causing me to turn to look at him.

"What?" I said he frowned and dropped the ear bub and hugged himself.

"I said what are you doing here and why are you bothering me?" He said

"I stay back for a bit what about you?" I asked he pouted and looked at the rain.

"Waiting for the rain to stop..." he mumbled I nodded.

"Did you walk here?" I asked he looked at me then nodded slowly.

"Yeah..." he answered looking at falling rain.

"Where are your friends they can't take you home?" I asked

"There busy and why do you care?" He huffed

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