chapter 16

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Jimin POV

"How many scoops is that? Did you get every flavor?" I asked

"Chill bro it's only like 4 scoops" he said and dug into his ice cream sundae.

"Don't call me bro" I said he smiled and ate more ice cream.

We are at a ice cream place in a booth he is sitting across from me with big bowl of ice cream and hot fudge and whipped cream and a big smile on his face.

"What should I call you huh?" He asked

"I don't know but wanna know what my shirt is made of?" I said

"What?" He said I smiled and lean closer

"Boyfriend material" I whispered he scrunched up is nose.

"I take back what I said about you being romantic that was bad like no" he said I laughed

"You love it" I whispered

"Maybe I do" he shrugged and ate a cherry licking his lips I watched his movements and groaned putting my head on the table.

"Don't do that" I said he chuckled and poked my head.

"Do what?" He said I lifted my head and looked at him and he as his spoon in his mouth licking the ice cream off I groan and put my head back on the table.

"Making me want to grab your collar and kiss you" I said and hear him choke on his ice cream.

"O-Oh" he whispered "my bad" he added I huffed and looked up.

"It's fine baby" I said and sat up his face was red "Enjoy your ice cream" I said he looked at his bowl then nodded he scoop some on his spoon and held it in front of me mouth.

"H-Here" he said face tomato red I smiled and ate the ice cream off the spoon it wasn't that bad "T-There" he added

"What?" I asked he blushed and covered his face with both his hands and whined. "Why so embarrassed so suddenly baby" I said smiling at him.

"We...k-kissed" he whispered I blink at him

"When? Did I miss it? Can we do it again" I joked he whined face still covered with his hands.

"It w-was a i-indirect one...." he whispered and my heart flutters in my chest.

"Oh my god" I said he whined again his hands covering his face.

"STOP! I take it back! Oh my god why did I say that I'm so gross" he said I chuckled

"Baby" I said

"Noooo" he said still hiding

"Yoongi baby" I whispered

"Just dump me and leave" he huffed

"Look at me" I said softly he finally removed his hands and looked at me with a pout I leaned across the table and pecked his cheek he gasped and blinked at me with wide eyes.

"Don't be embarrassed okay I thought that was adorable I'm just happy your comfortable with me I'll take whatever you give me indirect or not" I said he was still blushing but nodded.

"You make me so unbelievably nervous and all my emotions go into overdrive and I just wanna hide" he whispered I smiled back and reached across the table to hold his hand I interlock our fingers.

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