chapter 46

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Yoongi POV

"Ugh, I don't know what to get him! Christmas is in three days" I whined I have been walking around the wall Jin and Namjoon for two hours I feel I have been in all the stores and I've come up empty-handed.

"Why did you drag us along we were in the middle of a date like literally in the restaurant,"  Jin said He and Namjoon are following behind me and he isn't wrong I crashed their date and dragged them here with me.

"I need help! Namjoon your his best friend what does Jimin want for Christmas" I asked and stood him in front of the tall man blinking at him "Tell me what is his dream?" I asked Namjoon laughed and patted my shoulder.

"You're his dream," Namjoon said I blushed and looked down at my feet.

"Oh...fuck that doesn't help me though" I huffed

"Just dress up like a sexy Santa and hop on that dick" Jin said

"I already tried that! He rejected me..." I pouted we are still standing in the middle of the mall.

"He didn't reject you it was late and he couldn't get over there plus his mom took his keys," Namjoon said I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever anyways should I buy him a kitten? Or a new TV...oh! Maybe a giant chick plushie!" I said the both shook their head I huffed and stomped away

"Yoongi you could give him a soda can scratch that an empty soda can and he will love it and treasure it he still has the box of everything you have ever given him under his bed," Namjoon said

"Ugh and I know Jimin got me something great he is so fucking romantic it's annoying" I huffed crossing my arms.

"He loves you a whole lot," Namjoon said then got a text from Jimin

my prince:
come over

what did I say about bossing me around

my prince:
come over kitten my mom isn't here

I'm busy...

my prince:

please baby :(

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please baby :(

"Asshole" I muttered under my breath

ugh fine omw

my prince:
good boy

"Let's leave can you guys drop me off at Jimin's?" I asked

"Sure let's go I'm hungry again" Jin hummed
hugging Namjoon's side.

We all started to walk near the exit of the mall they holding hands as I third wheeled next to them.

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