chapter 14

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Jimin POV

After a late trip to the store to buy poster boards for my confession and after 30 minutes of me in my car writing everything I wanna say on the posters then after another 10 minutes of me trying to find the right song to have as background music and hoping that Yoongi's parents aren't home because I know they are both doctors and they are on call at least that's what Yoongi told me.

It's now 7:30 at night and I'm driving to his house the posters boards in the passenger seats and me tapping my wheel my nerves building up inside me hoping everything goes right and that at the end of the night he will be in my arms.

I park a few feet away so he wouldn't see my car and come downstairs so I park the car and walk over to his house I see no cars in the driveway and that relaxes me a little that it could just be me and him but if his parents were there I would have still done it and dealt with the consequences.

I see his window on the side of the house so I look for pebbles to throw at the window I only find four little pebbles so only four chances to get his attention I see his room light on behind his curtains I look up and with all the poster boards in one hands
and a little speaker so he can hear the song.

I take one and toss it up but it misses I sigh and take another and throw it and that time it hits the window I wait a few seconds but nothing I take the third pebble and hit the window again and throw the fourth one right after it.

Then I see the curtains open and there he is messy brown hair glasses on his nose and a confused look on his face and before he closes the curtains I hold up the first poster board.

Wait! Please

He had his hand on the curtains and blinked at me I quickly dropped the first poster to show the other one.

I'm an idiot

he looked at the board and he nodded slowly I kept going

Just open the window and give me five minutes

he frowned but nodded and opened the window and I hit play on my little speaker and placed it on the grass the song started to play "Love" by Lana Del Rey I see him tilt his head I take a deep breath and move that's poster boards along with the song

( play the song while reading sets the mood)

I'm sorry I'm such an idiot

I sorry I hurt you again...

But what I said wasn't true...

None of it was true

Min Yoongi I think you're





And so many other words but I didn't buy a lot of poster boards :(

I'm broke  :(

And I have the fattest crush on you

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