chapter 18

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Yoongi POV

We get into his car he even opens the door for me all romantic and shit and each time he does something cute or sweet I wanna geek out and text Lisa but I keep calm and cool.

We are driving to wherever Jimin is taking us he is holding my hand as he drives with the other hand on the wheel a soft song on the radio.

"Your shaking are you okay baby?" he said suddenly I look over at him.

"Oh I'm fine just nerves," I said he kissed my hand a couple of times I blushed and smiled at him.

"It's okay we're actually almost there," he said

"I know I said I liked this mysterious boy act but I wanna know" I pouted he smiled softly.

"Give me a kiss and I'll tell you" he whispered and I felt my cheeks get warm.

"I don't wanna know that much actually" I whispered he laughed.

"Damn so cruel min most people don't turn down my kisses," he said I frowned.

"Guess I'm one of a kind," I said

"You are," he said and squeezed my hand tight.

The rest of the car ride is filled with small talk and me teasing Jimin we have always clicked so easily.

The drive to where we were going only took 15 minutes we parked on the side of a restaurant it was a medium-sized building that looked like people might live on the second floor the restaurant looked like an average Korean restaurant like a mom-and-pop shop.

He turned off the car "Okay were here" he said

"Are we eating here?" I said he nodded and unbuckled my seat belt.

"Sort of come on," he said I nodded and opened the door we both got out I started to head towards the entrance of the restaurant until he grabbed my hand to stop me.

"Wrong way," he said I blinked at him

"Huh, the entrance is right there want me to get us a table or something?" I said he chuckled and pulled me close to his chest.

"No follow me" he whispered I nodded slowly he laced our fingers and pulled me to the back of the restaurant where the back door is and the dumpster was and I was really confused.

"Huh Jimin?" I said he let go of my hand and pulled a ladder that was connected to the building down so someone could climb up it creaked loud and looked rusty.

"Okay baby you go first," he said my eyes widen, and look between him and the scary ladder.

"Excuse me? Go where?" I said he smiled

"Up the ladder silly," he said like it wasn't crazy.

"Uh, why?" I asked

"That's where our date is," he said I tilt my head at him and cross my arms.

"Um I'm not climbing up a scary ladder onto a random restaurant late at night," I said he huffed and moved to stand in front of me.

"Please it's worth it," he said and gently held my chin.

"I don't know...I'm scared" I whispered he held my waist and pulled me close my heartbeat speeds up.

"It might be a little scary but I would never put you in a dangerous situation," he said then let go of my waist and held out his hand "Do you trust me?" He asked I looked at him right into his eyes my heart fluttered.

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