chapter 50

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Jimin POV

I wake up feeling warm like the sun is kissing my skin it's a cold winter morning but right now it feels so warm I open my eyes to see my room bright with a winter glow I smile and stretch my arms.

I look over to my left and see him and my heart explodes with love. I see him laying in my bed sleeping there he is curling on his side facing me his eyes closed his brown fluffy hair messy against the pillow his lips in a pout the sheets pooling around his hips. I see his whole chest and stomach exposed his hands under his head the light from outside making his pale skin glow and soft breath coming from his pink lips I was laying on my back and he was on his side and as I look at him remembering the events of last night.

-flashback from last night-

After we both finished I pulled out and take off the used condom he just lays there his whole body pink his chest heaving up and looking at the ceiling I dispose of the condom and lay next to him I feel him grab my hand and lace our fingers together.

"You okay?" I asked and leaned up to kiss his shoulder he nodded.

"I'm fucking great" he whispered my heart is full beating fast in my chest.

"Your very bendy," I said he chuckled then moved to cuddle my chest his chin propped up against it.

"That surprised me too," he said and kissed my chest "Jimin?" He added

"Yes, love?" I whispered he run his hand up and down my abs.

"That was so fucking good I literally saw stars felt like my soul left my body," he said then sat up locking eyes with me "Your like really good at that like it felt so good like if this was yelp fucking five stars," he said I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Well damn you're boasting my ego here when you looked like an angel so pretty under me eyes squeeze closed and mouth parted letting out beautiful sounds and I know my back is scratched up," I said he smiled.

"It was beautiful...they say your first time is special if it's with the right person and I don't wanna be cheesy and shit but it was special..." he mumbled I tilted his chin and kissed his lips he closed his eyes and kissed back.

"I feel the same way baby you're beautiful," I said he cuddled my side I hold him close and kiss his cheek "My Yoongi" I whispered

"Can we just sleep? I'm exhausted plus my ass hurts a little but it's like a good hurt" he said I chuckled

"What about the popcorn? And the movie?" I said

"I'll eat it tomorrow I just wanna be with you and hold you and have you hold me back and kiss me," he said and I held me tighter.

-flashback end-

I sit up and carefully move until I'm hovering over him he is still asleep I move down until I reach his hip and start to leave kisses up his side until I reach his shoulder then his neck he starts to move a little.

I smiled and start to kiss his neck sweetly he whined a little "Mhm stop it" he whispered then turned on his back the sheet stills on his hips I just take this chance to kiss him some more so I leaned down to kiss his stomach up to his chest and when I looked back up I see his eyes flutter open a soft smile on his lips.

"Is this how you will wake me up every time I sleepover?" He asked I smiled and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

"Morning sunshine," I said voice deep from sleep blush hit his cheek as he looked into my eyes.

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