chapter 39

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Yoongi POV

I don't know what's wrong with me?

Why I'm in this position right now?

How did I get here? I don't know what's happening we were just arguing screaming at each other now we're were in this low light room only seeing each other our faces so close I can smell the beer on his breath his piecing gaze looking at me my loud heart in my chest seems louder then the music.

"You drive me crazy" he whispered I look all over his perfect face his golden hair plump lips round cheeks and sharp jawline.

So my hazy mind and loud heart just said

Fuck it

I crash my lips into his kissing him savoring the taste and feeling of his lips memorizing them because damn I missed everything about him.

He immediately kissed back hands on my waist my hands moved to his hair the whole kiss is needy and messy his mouth tastes bitter like beer and mint like he was chewing gum.

I pull him closer breathing through my nose he bites my bottom lip pulling it with his teeth I gasped softly

"You're still an asshole" I whispered against his lips he pushing me harder into the wall.

"And I'm still mad at you," he said he touched my waist the skin there was exposed due to my short top he pulled away from my lips and I automatically chased after them he put his mouth near my ear his hot breath hitting my ear he nibbles on the lobe.

"Who let you wear this? Who said you could dress this sexy" he said my body is on fire as he traced his hands up my body I grab his face and pull him back to kiss me.

"Your not the boss of me" I whispered on his lips

It's hot and messy and just full of lust and hungry he licks into my mouth and pressed his full body on mine his hands all over me I pull his hair causing him to groan.

"Fuck your so sexy baby" he said against my lips he puts his hands on both my thighs and lifted me I gasped as I was push back against the wall him attacking my face with his mouth.

"I'm not you're baby" I said he squeezed my ass causing me to moan on his lips.

"Sounds like you are" he whispered voice deep

"You dyed your hair blonde you ass," I said and continued to kiss him "and I'm even more pissed how hot you look you jerk," I said biting his tongue he hissed and pulled back I smirked at him and pulled his hair so his neck was exposed and sucked there rolling my front onto his member.

He lifts me from the wall and threw me on the bed then was hovering over me in seconds "I was trying to piss you off" he said and took my sweater off in a flash and attacked my lips again I met his energy in the kiss he has his hands roam my body as he sat in between my thighs I could feel his hard-on.

It made me needy so very needy and very horny so I move my hands to take off his jacket and throw it to the side of the room he leaned down to kiss down my neck then collarbone sucking there I moaned softly hands in his hair he kissed down my chest until I felt his tongue on my nipple which causes me to moan louder this time I heard him groan and grind down against me my whole body shivered at the feeling we are both very hard.

I pull his hair back up aggressively to kiss his lips he hissed and thrust down again I moaned in the kiss I'm so fucking turned on I move my hands to his pants and unbutton them and pull the zipper down our lips never stopped guess we missed each other.

I get his zipper down and stick my hands in his pants I have never down this before touched someone else like this but again I'm drunk so fuck it.

I palm him through his underwear his hard member under my palm he pulled back and hissed hiding his face in my neck I keep moving my hand I stroke him
over his clothed member, he moaned right in my ear.

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