chapter 4

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Yoongi POV

"This is the worse day of my life!" Seokjin said looking in the mirror as we stand in the boy's bathroom before the bell rings for the morning I'm sitting on the sink and Jungkook is next to Seokjin at the mirror.

"It's not even that bad Hyung," Jungkook said I watch them and swing my legs.

"Are you blind! My beautiful face!" He yelled I giggled.

"It's literally the smallest pimple I have ever seen," Jungkook said earning a glare from Seokjin

"It's gigantic it's all the fucking stress from finals," he said

"No it's called puberty," Jungkook said doing jazz hands I laugh at that.

"Shut up with the puberty crap I also took the lessons in 6th grade you brat" Seokjin huffed

"It was honestly gross...bodies be wack," Jungkook said I laughed again.

"Only my body is wack! Yoongi on another hand is perfect because his skin is glowing," Seokjin said I smiled.

"I told you guys I only use face wash and moisturizer," I said they both look at me.

"We get it Yoongi you're the universe favorite boy your only in 7th grade and got so many love confession," Seokjin said I roll my eyes.

"That's because Hyung is beautiful," Jungkook said hugging me tight I try to push him away but this boy has gotta stronger than me even at 12 years old.

"Hyung you literally get more confessions than me why are you complaining?" I said

"Because you're catching up to me," he said I shrugged.

"I'm not interested in any of them anyways I wanna focus on school," I said hopping down from the sink.

"Whatever I still have a mountain on my face" he huffed.

"I'm I the ugly one in the friend group," Jungkook said

"Yes," Seokjin said I glared at him.

"No Kookie you're handsome," I said he smiled and hugged me again.

"Yah! Why are you always hugging me!" I said

"Cause you so cute and soft," he said I push him off and the bell rang I huffed knowing what's next.

"I don't wanna go to biology" I whined

"Why you love school," Seokjin said

"It's because Jimin sits next to him," Jungkook said I slap his arm.

"He is always staring at me! Like always" I huffed

"I'm telling you he likes you," Seokjin said as we exit the bathroom I scoff.

"No way in hell," I said Jungkook wraps an arm around me.

"Yeah Jimin is a jerk I won't let him near Yoonie Hyung," he said I smiled and patted Jungkook's back.

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