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The next morning when I wake up, both JJ and John B are no where to be found. I walk outside to see John b pulling fallen tree branches off the boat and JJ with a beer in his hand.

"Morning Liz" JJ said to me with a smile. "Morning to you both" referring to both of the boys. "DCS called, they can't make it out today" John B informed me. "Yeah what did the have to say yesterday anyway?" JJ asked

"They basically told us that they wanted proof our uncle was here or they were gonna move on with foster care" I told him, looking out into the marsh. "Well shit" he replied and took a sip of his beer, looking out into the marsh as well

JJ looked at John B as he started to crawl into the boat. "Whatcha thinking?" JJ asked John b as we started to walk down to the boat as well. "I think this is god telling us to fish" John B replied to his comment.

We all went back inside, and I went straight to my room. I picked out a crop top and some Jean shorts with the same bathing suit as yesterday underneath it.

Once we were all ready to go, we put the boat back into the water and left to pick up Pope and Kie. We soon arrived at Pope's place. I was laying very close to JJ and he had his arms around me but he stood up when Pope came into sight.

"We have a safety meeting, attendance mandatory" John B said as if he were talking into a walkie talkie which made me laugh. "Awe I can't, my pop's got me on lockdown" Pope replied. "Come on man" JJ said "your dad's a pussy over" JJ added, in the same weird voice John B did which made me laugh harder

"Oh I heard that you little bastard" Mr. Heyward replied. "Morning Mr. Heyward" I said before things started to get heated. "Good morning, Lizzie" he replied. He always liked me the most for some reason.

"You know the rules, day after a hurricane is a free day" JJ told Mr. Heyward. "Who the hell made that up?" He replied. "Uhhh, pentagon I think?" JJ replied which made me giggle. He shot me a smile. After that, Pope and his dad started to argue about when he'd do his chores.

John B whispered for him to get on the boat and he did. "Get your ass back up here" Mr. Heyward said to Pope, but we just kept going. Me and JJ got back into the same position we were in before we picked up Pope, and started to head for Kie's house.

"Good morning boys, and girl" Kie said as she walked down her dock towards the boat. "Got some juice boxes?" My brother asked. I laughed as he basically asks the same question every day.

"Oh you know, just some yogurts and carrot sticks" She replied. I shook my head. "You got my kind of Juice boxes?" Me and JJ asked at the same time. I looked up at him with a grin and he did the same. "Yeah" Kie said as Pope helped her into the boat.

We headed off into the Marsh. Me, JJ, and Kie all had a beer. After a while, John B switched out driving with Pope. John B grabbed a beer as well. "Aye Pope, can you go a little faster?" JJ asked as he stood up, taking his arm from around me.

I shook my head. "Here we go again" I looked at him and we was smiling at me. "Oh like you would ever do anything like it" JJ said. I shook my head once again and said "Bet" as I stood up, taking my beer to the front of the boat.

"We already tried this, it doesn't work, and it's definitely not gonna work with two of you" John B said. "We got this" I told John B with a smile. Me and JJ both put our feet on the bow of the boat and started to waterfall beer into our mouths. It was getting all over our faces but we didn't care, because it was fun.

"Your getting beer in my hair" Kie said with a laugh. The rest of the group started to complain about the beer flying everywhere. "Alright, your done, both of you stop" Pope said as he put his hand up, trying to stop beer from flying back at him. Just then, the boat came to a very sudden stop which sent me and JJ flying into the air.

I landed in the water in a very uncomfortable position about 10 feet from the boat. Once I resurfaced, I looked around for the blonde boy. "Lizzie?! Are you ok?" The group asked all at once.

But all I could seem to think about was JJ



Hey everyone! Hope you're having an amazing weekend! This chapter is sorta long but this is really where the story starts and I wanted it to be sorta like the show, but with Lizzie sorta a part of it too. Next chapter will be the motel scene.
Anyways, imma go binge obx now :)

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