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Before I knew it, we were all hopping out of the van at the boneyard. I looked around to see at least fifty people. Damn... word really gets around I thought to myself. I had put Kie in charge of inviting people, as I always do. JJ and John B carried the keg while I carried two bags of red solo cup and Kie carried the sprayer. Pope didn't bother to carry anything as he hurried onto the beach to greet tourons.

Once we got everything set up, JJ sprayed John B with beer but I then pushed him out of the way so I could then get sprayed myself. John B then started pouring drinks and offered one to Pope but he kindly declined. "I'll take it. And don't forget J" I said pointing at JJ with a smile before walking off to flirt with a touron. I saw a boy sitting by himself on a log so I walked over and sat next to him.

"So, are you, uh, new around here" I say as I take a sip of my drink trying to be as flirty as possible. "Oh yeah, my family's here on vacation for a week" he said smiling. I look over to see JJ watching me as he flirts with a touron as well. I give him a thumbs up, sarcastically telling him I approve of her. "You could do better" he mouths back with a smirk. I shake my head.

I see the touron looking over at JJ almost as if he was jealous. JJ returns the same look to him. "So what's your name?" He asks me as he links his arm around me and slides closer. "Lizzie" I shyly reply."Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl" he smirks. I then looked to see JJ rushing over here with Jealousy and anger, but mostly jealousy.

"Get your hands of her man" JJ tells the touron. I never actually found out his name. "Chill out, me and Liz here were just talking" the touron replies. "I told you to take your hands off my girl" He says before punching the touron.

"J stop!" I said as he has literally been punching the boy for 5 minutes straight. JJ looked at me before deciding to get off the touron and walk away. I still had butterflies from him calling me 'his girl' as those are words I thought he'd never say. "'So, are you, uh, new around here?'" He mocks me and takes a sip of his drink. "The hell was that?" He adds and laughs.

"Oh like you don't flirt with tourons. You were flirting with that brunette right over there" I say before pointing to the girl. "The only brunette I'll ever truly flirt with is you" he winks before we return to where John B was passing out drinks to fill our cups up. There goes those damn butterflies again.

Once JJ had refilled both of our drinks, we were pressured as the crowd around us kept chanting for us to chug our drinks. Me and JJ being the party type that we are, linked our arms and downed the drinks. I finished first and threw my cup on the ground with a smile before yelling "ha!" In the boys face.

JJ jumped up on a stump and almost fell right off which caused us both to laugh very hard. I looked around to see all my other friends flirting with people and here I am, hanging out with a 5 year old. I love him though, and not in the way he thinks.

After a little while, we all regrouped and leaned up against a large piece of drift wood. I was the only one sitting on it. We all watched as Sarah Cameron, the kook princess as we called her, climbed a buoy that had washed up on shore. Her over protective boyfriend was standing right behind her telling her to get down.

"I swear, Topper's never actually left the protection of his parents" I said as I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my drink. "What is she doing here?" Kie asked, pretty annoyed. I never really liked Sarah either, after what she did to Kie.

Before we knew it, we were all crowded around a small fire. JJ was still passing out drinks and I was just following him around with nothing to do. "Hey Sarah, can I interest you in a tasty beverage?" JJ asks her. I laugh and give Sarah a fake smile. "No thanks" Sarah replies in a bitchy tone, oh how I would have loved to punch her out right then and there.

"Come on, is it not fancy enough for you?" I ask her crossing my arms. "Hey you know what, I'll take it. Thank you man" Topper chimes in. "But I didn't ask you" JJ replies to his comment. "Now if you said pretty please maybe but" JJ adds. "Oh pretty please" Topper replies in the most sarcastic tone.

"You know Lizzie, you could do so much better than slumming around with these dirty pogues" he adds, which triggers JJ to go into full attack mode. It was almost as if it wasn't because he called us dirty pogues, but because Topper showed me so much disrespect.

JJ practically threw himself at Topper. John B pushed Topper away while I held JJ back. It was then that my brother ran and punched Topper himself. Topper swung back at him. I tried running to get in between them but JJ grabbed me by the waist and held me back.

"JJ let me go!" I yelled as tears came into my eyes. Topper kicked John B into the water and yelled "don't make me drown you like your old man alright?" Before John B pulled himself back up and started punching again, the two head butted and punched each other until Topper finally got John B down in the water again.

He started to hold his head down which caused him to start drowning. I escaped JJ's grasp and ran into the water. I jumped onto Topper but he pulled me down and started to drown me instead. I closed my eyes as the sounds of the crowd around me became muffled.

Just as I was the on the edge of passing out, I heard a gun click. The hands that were once around my head now in the air.



Hope all of you are enjoying this!!
Have an amazing weekend :)

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