Forty eight

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Pope goes over the center line heading straight for someone's mailbox. "Watch out! Pope Pope Pope!" Kie yells as he runs the thing over. Me and Kie both shield our faces while JJ and John B freak out, Pope just laughs at the situation. "Oh my god!" John B yells. "Awe I'm living my best life now!" Pope says with a smile.

"My mom's gonna kill me" Kie mumbles referring to the damage on her car. "Pope, are you on crack? Or are you just trying to kill us?" I ask. "Or both" John B adds. "I should be the last one to tell you this but you are not ok to drive dude stop!" JJ says from the seat beside me. Pope slams on the brakes.

"John B get out" Pope turns back to my brother. "Shit" he mumbles. "He's right dude we'll draw the cops and you run" JJ says. "But Liz-" I cut him off. "I'll be fine now get out before you get your ass caught" I say opening his door. "I'll get the rig and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow ok? 3 o'clock ok?" JJ asks as John B quickly hops out of the car.

"Yeah" he mumbles back before running off into the woods. We quickly speed off, hoping the cops will follow us. A few hours later, me, Pope, and JJ were all smoking. Kie was the only one who wasn't high. We were blaring music, probably wasn't the best idea since we were accomplices in a huge investigation.

Pope swerves around a corner. We were all laughing, except for Kie. "Pope you clocked that car man like that was so bad" JJ says as he continues to laugh. I do the same. We were good time, the last good time we'd have for a while. "I'm just glad I'm not driving now" he replies before taking another hit. Me and JJ continue to laugh. Kie gives all three of us a look of disbelief. "Pull over!" She tells Pope. He does as she says.

"JJ, Liz, it's not funny he shouldn't be driving" She says before opening her door and getting out. "Mama's mad" me and JJ both say. Pope and Kie switch seats. "Where are we going?" JJ asks. "The last place they're gonna look" she replies before turning the car around.

Kie takes us to the Cameron house. She parks outside the grounds, making it so we have to climb over the stone wall that stands around it. "You sure this is a good idea?" JJ asks as he follows me out of the backseat. "I wonder if they've thrown out my stuff yet" I mumble. "She's the only one who can clear John B" Kie says as me and her start to climb over the wall.

"Last place to look because of how stupid it is" JJ says as he follows me over the wall. "Okay, I've got a plan" Kie tells me as we walk side by side. "Yeah, I love plans. We can do a plan" Pope says from behind us. Kie turns to him as I continue to walk. I stop and turn back once I'm about 10 feet in front of them.

"Let's do the plan thing, let's get it. Let's plan it out" Pope adds. "Can you handle a plan right now?" Kie asks. He scoffs. "Of course I can handle a plan right now. I'm- I'm plan guy. I'm- I'm Mr. Plan-o-matic. Hey, I'm- I'm always" he starts to sing. "Thinking of a master plan, aye. Cause there ain't nothing-" Kie cuts him off. "Shhh!" She says, covering his mouth. I look over at JJ and he shrugs.

I walk back to the blonde and stand next to him. "What's with them?" I mumble. "Don't know" he mumbles back. Kie moves her hand from his mouth. "I love you, Kie" Pope says. Kie turns back to him. "Oh shit" I mumble. "Where's the popcorn?" JJ asks, staring at the two. "Ya know, the first time I told you I loved you it was a lot more romantic than that" He adds.

"J, the first time you told me you loved me was freshman year in the middle of a math test" I reply. "I meant since we were dating" he defends himself. "Whatever you say, lover boy" I giggle. "Lover boy? New nickname?" He asks with a smirk. "Maybe" I smirk back. We look into each other's eyes before he kisses me and I kiss him back.

Meanwhile, Kie and Pope on the other hand were arguing. "Look, it's not gonna happen" Kie says. "Ok well why not?" Pope asks. "Because pogues can't mack on other pogues" she replies. "That rule doesn't make any sense, plus no one's ever followed it. I mean look at Liz and JJ" Pope points back to us, referring to us practically making out. JJ flips the two off.

"Look, I- I want something different. I wanna go to Antarctica, and I wanna ride camels" she says but Pope interrupts her. "Me too, I wanna do those things with you" he says. "No. Pope, it's not gonna work. It's not gonna happen!" She snaps. The expression on his face was blank. "Look I know that's really hard to hear right now but we don't have time for this. And this is a really bad place to do it" She adds more calmly.

The boy was heartbroken. Tears started to form in his eyes. "Are you ok?" She asks. "Yeah" was all he replied with. "Are you ready for the plan or?" She asks again. "Yeah" he says wiping a tear from his cheek. There was a pause. "Ok" she says before heading towards the house. Me and JJ pull away from our kiss. "Check on Pope for me, K lover boy?" I ask with a smile. He nods and smiles back. I kiss his cheek before catching up to Kie.

Me and Kie climb up to Sarah's balcony. We look in the window to see the girl sitting on her bed. I knock, not too loud but loud enough for her to hear. She gets up and smiles when she sees us. We both grin. Sarah tries to open her window but it's locked. "Shit" I mumble. Kie puts the wanted poster against the window. I could see the heartbreak in Sarah's eyes.

"You in on it?" I ask. "Did you guys think I was?" She replies, looking between the two of us. We both shake our heads. "No" Kie mumbles. "Sarah?!" Ward yells. "Go!" She mouths. We both scurry down the side of the house.



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Hope you enjoyed! I can't wait to binge season two on July 30th!

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