Forty two

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"You feel like a tough guy? Huh?" John B asks. JJ doesn't reply. "What are you gonna do when he comes for us?" John B asks. "We punch him in the throat" JJ replies. "Yeah good fucking idea JJ" John B says. "You really want your girlfriend to go to Jail? Is that what you want? Cause that's what's gonna happen" John B points at me. JJ looks at me but he doesn't reply. I could tell he was having second thoughts though.

"I'm not putting the money back" JJ says, getting into the van. "You guys getting in or what?!" He yells. We all just stand there, exchanging looks. He waits a second before he notices me staring. He quickly hops out, getting really close to me.

"What? You clearly got something to say, what is it?" He asks. "We're sick of your shit" I mumble back. "Ohh, my shit?" He asks, looking me in the eye. "Yes, your pulling guns on people shit" Kie says. "Your acting like a fricken maniac shit" Pope adds. "Your solving all Liz's problems shit, you don't own me JJ! I can be independent!" I add. "Liz! I took the fall for you, you know how much money I owe because of you?!" Tears start to form in his eyes.

"I never asked you to do that" I reply. "Ok well I did, I did it because I fucking love you, ok?! I love you!" He yells. "You know what, I don't need you guys. Let's go Liz" JJ throws the bag over his shoulder and starts to walk towards the road.

(Recommended song for this part: Breathe (Taylor's version) by Taylor Swift)

"No" I reply. "What?" He asks, turning to face me. "I said no" I cross my arms over my chest. "You know, I have a question for you actually" He says, stepping back towards me. "Ask away" I reply. "Why have you been acting like such a bitch towards me today? What the hell did I do to you?" He asks. I laugh. "I'm being a bitch? You're the one who forcefully pulled me back to the van an hour ago" I reply.

"Ya know, even Rafe didn't treat me like that" I add and shake my head. "Why don't you go back to Rafe then? If he's so much better, because clearly you can't keep your mouth shut about him for two seconds. You never loved me, it's always been about him. Even before you two got together, you always pretended I was him. Well guess what Elizabeth, I'm not. I'm not some rich kook who can give you everything you want. Clearly I'm not enough for you. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if you're sleeping around with him right now. You're living in his house after all, you did choose living with him over living with your own fucking boyfriend. So go crawl back to Rafe" JJ says, stepping really close to me.

Tears start to form in my eyes. His words hit me like a bullet, how could he say stuff like that? He knows what I've been through with Rafe. How could he think I was cheating on him? After everything I've done for him, that's what he thought of me? How could he say that I never loved him?

"Fuck you" I say, pushing him away from me. Tears were now running down my cheeks. I started to storm towards the back of the van, but he grabbed my arm. "Liz come with me, we can go somewhere and talk about-" I cut him off. "What do you not understand? I don't want to see you ever again!" I push him away for the second time. He looks into my eyes. I could tell my words broke him, but I was so mad. It was like he said, an eye for an eye.

He quickly storms off in the opposite direction, headed for the front of the driveway. We were both pissed off at each other, yet we both knew we screwed up. We didn't mean what we said, but it happened so now we have to deal with the consequences.

The group all hopped into the back of the van to see me curled up in the back seat, tears streaming down my face. "Please don't talk about it, I just need some space" I say before they had a chance.

We were all in a corner table at the wreck. The group was talking about JJ, but I was just silent. I was still trying to process what he said. He once told me he would never do anything to hurt me. I guess that was a lie.

His words hurt worse than being stabbed by a sharp knife, I swear to god. I've been through a heartbreak once before, but that was much different. No matter how badly Rafe treated me, he never said anything like that.

How could JJ say stuff like that? After all the shit we've been through together these past few weeks.
I guess we rushed into things. Maybe we weren't really focused on the relationship, and more on the things around us. What he said was so unfair, I didn't even want to live at the Cameron's in the first place, and he knows that. Maybe all the times he he told me he loved me, he never meant it.

John B notices me being quiet so he taps my shoulder. "You ok?" He asks. I slowly nod my head. "I'll be fine" I reply, even though it wasn't entirely true. I didn't know if I'd be ok.

This was always one of the reasons I was afraid to admit my feelings to JJ, I was always worried that if things ended badly we wouldn't talk anymore. Not only would I loose my boyfriend, I would loose my best friend since elementary school.

"He'll come around" John B adds. I give him a fake smile. The truth was, I was still holding back my tears. I knew JJ would come around, he said what he said out of anger. The question I had was would I?



Everything they worked for came crashing down, what's next for Liz and JJ? Comment some predictions :)

I would say I hope y'all enjoyed but I know I just broke everyone's heart

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