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We soon arrived at Lana Grubbs house. We all got out of the van. "You know what this house looks like?" John B asks. "Whoever lives here smokes too much weed" JJ states. I chuckle. I remember all the times me and JJ hung out on the hammock, smoking our worries away. We knew it wasn't good for us but we still did it anyways.

I followed JJ as John B followed behind me. We heard loud bangs coming from inside the small house. Me and JJ looked at John B with worry in our faces. He signaled us to not do anything crazy. I looked at JJ and he did the same to me as we were now following my brother.

We heard yelling come from inside. "Maybe we should come back..." I say. "Maybe it's a little too soon-" JJ adds. "No no both of you ju-just shut up" John B says heading towards the house. More yelling and crying came from inside. "JB-" I was cut off by him shushing me. We should have left, oh how I wish that we had.

We all ducked a bit as the bangs became louder. "Uh-" me and JJ both say. John B tells us to shut up again. "Just come on, both of you" he says as he looks back at us and steps closer to the house.

We all run towards the wall when the yelling and crying starts to get louder. John b and I were in plain sight but JJ pulls us both down against the wall before asking if John B still thinks we should stay. "Oh my fucking god" I mumble in terror as chipped paint starts to fall from the window above us. We all look up.

We all shake the paint out of our hair. I hug JJ as I'm terrified, almost in tears. He plants a kiss on my forehead before letting go. "We should just go this has smuggler written all over it" JJ states. I nod in agreement. John B peers around the corner. His face is blank. I finally see what he sees. The two men who tried to shoot us.

We all lean tightly against the wall as the men March angrily out of the house. JJ starts making noise but John B quickly shushes him. I'm standing in between the two with my eyes closed tightly, not wanting to get shot at again. "Dude, those were the guys that shot at us, and almost shot Liz!" JJ says in disbelief. John B nudges me to move back and we all scoot down the wall so we don't get seen.

Once the men are out of sight, we quietly sneak into Lana's house. JJ followed me very closely, as if he were trying to protect me. "Ms. Lana?" John B asks before seeing the woman on the floor in her bathroom. She was absolutely terrified. John B ran to her side. "It's ok" John B comforts her.

"Liz, call the sheriffs department" John B tells me. "No no no no cops please!" The woman begs. JJ takes my phone from my hands and slides it back into my pocket. "Oh that's not good come on man let's go" JJ says looking at the woman and tapping John B's shoulder. "You shouldn't be here!" Lana states.

"That's enough for me, come on let's go" JJ tries to grab John B by his sleeve and grabs my hand. "Wait wait wait what do you know about these guys?" John B asks. "They were looking for something" Lana says in tears. John B pulls the compass from pocket. "Was it this?" He asks .

She looks at it as if it were some type of weapon. "This is my father's, and scooter had it. Why?" John B asked, his voice becoming shaky. "You can't tell anyone that you have that!" Lana yells. Me and JJ grab John B by the arms. "Come on" JJ says. "JB let's go" I add. "But you know about the compass!" John B yells at Lana.

It broke me to see my brother in this state. As much as I loved my dad, we never were really that close. John B was very close with our dad, even though they had their moments, they always had such a close relationship. "Go! Get out!" Lana yells. My brothers expression becomes blank once again.

"And then we were right outside like this. BAM! BAM! Knocking paint off the wall from the inside!" JJ explains to the group , back at the chateau. "I mean look at this shit!" JJ shakes the paint from his hair in front of the group. "That's... dandruff" Kie states. "I watched the whole thing play out, and that is so dandruff J" I agree with Kie. She smiles and gives me a high five.

"That's disgusting" Pope states pushing JJ's head away from him. "Look at all that!" JJ completely ignores everyone, going on about was happened at Lana's. "You saw the guys that shot at us right? Did you get a good description of them? What'd they look like?" Pope asks. "Yeah, anything that could help" Kie adds.

"They were like the type of guys at my dad's garage"  JJ states. My mind went back to that one time we went there, higher than a kite.

We had just left a party at the boneyard, looking for a place to hook up. That was the first place that came to mind, since it was late and no one would see us. We snuck inside, laughing for absolutely no reason. He was holding my hand. He shushed me before quietly turning on the radio. The song "call out my name" was playing at the moment. He smirked and turned to me before we- what the actual hell am I thinking

"These boys, these killers... they're square groupers" JJ says, bringing me back into reality. The whole group looked up at JJ, who was smoking his juul. "What does a square grouper look like exactly? Cause apparently, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR" Pope yells at JJ.

"Dude! I wasn't taking mental Polaroids the entire time, man, I was under duress!" JJ says with a gasp, making me let out the laugh I had been holding in from pope's comment "J, I think you mean distress" I tell him, patting his shoulder. He leans into me, as he was still flipping out.



Hope y'all are liking this story!
Happy Thursday!
Also, this is the chapter I did a behind the scenes to on my TikTok :)
New part will be out tomorrow!!

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