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It was a simple life, being a janitor. Nothing exciting happened and all you did was clean. Life was easy and no one bothered you. You could disappear into the crowd with no one giving you a second thought. It was helpful that you worked on the Enterprise. There were a multitude of levels with people crowding most of them.

No one really gave you a second thought anyways. There wasn't anything special about you. You always thought you were plain, which helped you to disappear. You didn't have many friends and most of your time was taken up by work. But there was one person who you had interest in. Commander Spock was the one person you were attracted to.

There was no way he would return the attraction. He was a commander and would never notice you. You were just a janitor. A janitor was rarely seen in the first place. But you weren't just anyone. You were you. That alone was not enough to attract the general public but it was enough to attract a few. One of those was Spock.

He was your superior by a lot. You didn't even have a title. But that didn't matter to Spock. He was still attracted to you on some level, even if though he hid it. Spock saw you on a nearly daily basis and barely said anything other than a polite greeting. It was sad, really, because you liked him back.

But one day, after you got off your shift, you spotted Spock down the hallway. He was alone, looking down at a PADD as he stood to the side of the hall. As you walked down the hall, he looked up and stared at you as you got closer.

Being the smartass you were, when you got within hearing distance, you said, "You know if you take a picture, it'll last longer, right?"

You passed by, barely giving a thought to what you said. Even though you were shy to most people you didn't know, you never gave up an opportunity to be a smartass.

"Miss, do you have a second?" Spock called out behind you. You turned to find him walking up to you. "I don't believe I know your name."

You stuck your hands in your coat pockets. "I'm y/n. I'm a janitor here."

Spock nodded, never taking his eyes off of you. "It was nice meeting you, y/n. It would be a pleasure to meet you again."

You smiled. "Of course."

You turned to leave, not expecting Spock to call out for you again. But he did.

"I'll be at Rec Room Five this evening. There's going to be music and other forms of entertainment. Will you join me?"

You scanned his face, smiling softly. "Yeah, I will. What time should I be there?"

"Seven o'clock would be a good time," Spock replied. "I will see you then, y/n."

After saying your goodbyes, you headed towards your quarters, a smile on your face the entire time. You didn't know if he was asking you on a date or not but it was something. You were attracted to Spock but had never thought it was a possibility. Not until then.

You spent about an hour getting ready and about ten minutes before you had to be at the rec room, you started heading there. When you walked in, you spotted Spock sitting alone at a table. You sat across from him, smiling.

"Good evening, y/n," Spock greeted. "It's a pleasure to see you again."

"As to you," you replied.

The conversation continued from there. It wasn't awkward or anything. There weren't many pauses and if there were any, one of you were sure to fill it with something. Or someone they knew came up to talk to them. It was an enjoyable night. It was really nice to actually sit down and talk to Spock without many interruptions. Sure, friends came up to the two of you but it was mostly just the two of them.

At the end of it, Spock walked you back to your quarters. Not wanting the night to end, you walked slowly. When you finally got there, you leaned against the wall next to the doorway, Spock standing not even a foot away. After a couple minutes of speaking, it was finally time to go inside. Quickly, you kissed his cheek and ducked inside, not wanting to see his reaction. Though from the looks of it, that wouldn't be the last time you saw or heard from Spock.

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