Scotty and Jaylah - I Love Ye, Lassie

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Her white shone in the moonlight. Scotty smiled softly at her. She was doing her homework on a table on the balcony. Scotty watched her from inside, admiring her glowing skin and determination to finish her homework.

Scotty stepped outside with two glasses of whiskey. He set one down on Jaylah's pile of books. She paused, looking at the drink. She continued her paragraph before leaning back and taking the drink.

She took a sip, swallowing before looking at the Scotsman. "Thank you, Montgomery Scotty."

"You're welcome, lass." Scotty nodded, taking a sip of his drink. They were silent until Jaylah finished her drink.

"Thanks again, Montgomery Scotty," said Jaylah, setting the cup back down and picking up her pen.

"What yer working on?" Scotty asked.

"The history, functions, and uses of androids. I am having a hard time figuring trying to find history on it," Jaylah said.

"You could mention Data, the android that served on the Enterprise E with Captain Picard," Scotty commented, taking a sip of his drink.

Jaylah stopped what she doing and looked at Scotty. "Tell me more."

Scotty shook his head. "Nah, lassie. I'm sure you could find it in the database."

Jaylah kept her unearthly eyes on his, almost pleading. Scotty tried to resist but eventually fell in. Her eyes were just too much, too beautiful.

"Fine. You won. He was a male Soong-type android. He was ranked as Lieutenant Commander." All this time, Jaylah was writing this down, still looking at Scotty.

"He did have a cat named Spot," Scotty continued, "who survived the destruction of the Enterprise in 2371. I'd say that was one tough cat."

"A cat? What is that?" Jaylah questioned, tilting her head to the side.

"It's a kind of domesticated pet. They are small in size, the biggest breed of domesticated cat being 25 pounds at the smallest. Their ancestors were big cats like lions, cougars, and tigers," Scotty replied, sipping his Scotch.

Jaylah thought for a second before looking down at her paper. She continued writing. Scotty finished his drink before getting up and going back inside.

10 minutes later, Jaylah came back inside with all her books in her arms. She set them down on the counter.

"Scotty," Jaylah said, walking over to stand next to Scotty.

"Yes, lass?" Scotty asked.

"Could you be attracted to someone outside your race?" She asked, leaning up against the counter and looking at Scotty.

"Yes, I would. Why do you ask?"

"I was just curious," Jaylah answered, trying to hide her face.

"Oh really," Scotty said, leaning closer to Jaylah. "Are you sure you don't like me?"

Scotty's face was inches from hers. Jaylah huffed and looked at Scotty. Their faces were inches apart.

"I'm sure," Jaylah snapped.

"Are you sure?" Scotty whispered, inching his face closer.

"Yes," Jaylah hissed.

Scotty's lips finally meet hers, and, surprisingly, Jaylah kissed back. The kiss was sweet and soft, but sparks were flying for both sides. Scotty was the first one to pull back.

"Are you sure now?" Scotty asked.

"No," Jaylah said before crushing her lips onto Scotty's. She wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. Scotty picked her and set her on the counter, wrapping his arms around her waist. They pulled apart and rested their foreheads against each other.

"Is this what you meant by attracted to a person of a different rave beside your own? Because you're attracted to me?" Scotty asked quietly.

"Yes," Jaylah whispered back.

"Good because I didn't want the feelings to be one-sided."

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