Malcolm Reed x Hoshi Sato - Can You Translate Love? Part 2

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She sat in front of her vanity, looking into the mirror. She looked absolutely stunning. Her hair was braided over her shoulder, a few locks hanging loose and had been curled. She was wearing a black dress with hints of dark blue. Her black earrings dangled from her ears, jingling, and dancing whenever she moved her head. No one would be stupid enough to say she wasn't pretty.

Hoshi stood up and walked out of her room. She walked out of her room and headed for the mess hall. Malcolm was waiting for her outside with a bouquet of red roses. He was looking down, not paying attention to the stared he was getting, probably trying to his embarrassed face.

Hoshi walked up to him and grabbed his arm. He jumped and looked up, a large smile growing on his face when he saw her. His eyes traveled her body, taking in every part of her.

"You look absolutely stunning, Hoshi. I feel underdressed compared to you," Malcolm said, handing the flowers to Hoshi. Hoshi smiled, blushing a little.

"Thanks, Malcolm. You didn't have to," Hoshi said, smelling the roses and smiling a little more.

"I wanted to get them for you after I didn't show up to the date last week," Malcolm said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you want to go eat now?" Malcolm said.

"Sure." Hoshi slipped her arm into Malcolm's and they walked into the mess hall. Once they sat down with their food, Malcolm looked up at Hoshi.

"How do you say I love you in German?" Malcolm asked.

"Ich Liebe Dich," Hoshi asked, already eating.

"What about in Spanish?"

"Te amo," Hoshi said.

"In Korean?" Malcolm asked.

"사랑해," Hoshi answered. She looked up at Malcolm. "Why do you need to know this?"

"Because I love you," Malcolm said, leaning across the table to kiss Hoshi.

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