Kirk - Sick Kitty part 1

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You were the only veterinarian on the Enterprise. There was a total of 6 animals on the Enterprise. Your favorite was Gunner, Captain Kirk's cat. Not only was Gunner the most adorable and fluffy, but you got to Kirk everytime Gunner need a check-up.

Today, you were heading over Bones's quarters to do a check-up on his large orange cat, Tigger. You turned the corner and ran into Kirk.

"Oh sorry, Captain. I didn't see you there," you said.

"No, it's ok. Where are you going?" Kirk asked.

"To Dr. McCoy's quarters." For a split second, sadness crossed Kirk's face. "He asked me to check-up on his cat," I finished.

"Oh, yeah. What's the cat's name?" Kirk asked.

"Tigger. Now I have to go. Bones is waiting," you said, starting to walk away. You were stopped when Kirk grabbed your wrist.

"Can you check up on Gunner? He's been sneezing," said Kirk.

You smiled at him. "Yeah. I'll be there as soon as I can."

You walked off, walking through the twisting hallways. You got to Leonard's place and pressed the button to alert him you were there. Bones opened the door and let you in.

"So how's Tigger?" You asked.

"He's been having diarrhea lately. I don't know if it's something he's eating, or . . ." Bones trailed off.

"Well, what have you been feeding him?" You asked, sitting on the couch next to Tigger.

"Cheese and regular cat food," Bones answered.

"Well, the cheese is the problem then. It's making his stomach upset and making him have diarrhea," you said, looking up at Bones.

"So, no cheese?" Bones asked.

"No cheese," you said, standing up and heading for the door.

"Is that it?" Bones asked.

"Is there any other problems with Tigger?" You asked.

"No," Bones said.

"Then I'll take my leave," you said.

You turned on your heel and left, heading for Kirk's quarters. You got there quickly and knocked, hoping he was there.

The door quickly opened and Kirk appeared. A wide smile grew on his face when he saw me.

"Hey, y/n. How was it with Tigger?" Kirk asked.

"It was pretty good. He just had diarrhea, but I found what caused it. What's wrong with Gunner?" you answered.

"He's been sneezing, he had a few seizures, and he's been vomiting," Kirk asked.

"Ok. Where is he?" I asked.

"In my room," Kirk said, leading you to his room. Gunner was stretched on the bed, softly snoring. Gunner sneezed and it woke him up.

You kneeled by the bed and felt Gunner's temperature. You did all the things you were supposed to do and finished, leaning back while sighing.

"Gunner's got distemper," you answered.

"What's that?" Kirk asked.

"It's a highly contagious virus that invades cells which are rapidly growing like those in the digestive system and bone marrow, and developing nervous systems," you answered.

"Is Gunner going to die?" Kirk asked, panic rising in his voice.

"Not if I treat him immediately, but I'll have to go get the medicine and stuff," you answered.

"Then go do it," said Kirk, panic in his voice.

You got up, heading for the door.

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