Sisko - Baseball

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You were an average seamstress in a small town near Seattle, Washington. It was a simple job and a simple life to be lived. One of the few things in your life that you absolutely loved and lived for was baseball. Your favorite team was the Mariners and you did everything to go to games on a semi regular basis. You couldn't count how many jerseys, beanies, or hats you had for the Mariners.

But it all changed when something strange happened. After a game one night, you were walking down the street to the tram when you blacked out. It didn't feel like much time had gone by when you woke up in a strange room. It looked like it was possibly a medical room but not one that you had ever been in. Sitting up, you looked around to find no one nearby. Slowly, you got up to look for anyone. You found a man in a separate room, where an almost all black uniform with blue on the shoulders.

"Excuse me?" You called out to him. "Where am I?"

The man turned around, smiling kindly at you. "It's good to see that you're awake. I'm Doctor Julian Bashir and you're on Deep Space Nine. We found you unconscious on board. Are you willing to answer some questions?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I guess. What year is it, if I may ask?"

When he answered, you sat in shock. It was several hundred years ahead of your time. All of your family was dead and any descendants most likely didn't know who you were. You were all alone in the world.

"Hey, listen to me," Dr Bashir said, interrupting your thoughts. "The captain of this outpost will be down in a few minutes. He can talk to you and answer wny questions you may have. You'll be okay here with us. Even though you have every reason to panic, there's no reason to. We've got you now."

You nodded and was about to respond as an older man walked into the room. He was attractive in a way but you were so distracted by the bombshell dropped on you. You were someone from the past thrown into the future.

"I'm Captain Benjamin Sisko, the commander of this post," the man greeted. "Though I'm sure it's unsettling at the moment, I welcome you to this station. What's your name?"

Finally looking him in the eyes, you answered. "I'm y/n l/n. It is nice to meet you, Captain Sisko."

"It's also a pleasure to meet you, y/n," Sisko replied. He gestured to your jersey. "That's a Mariners jersey. Are you a baseball fan? Who's your favorite player?"

You glanced down at your jersey. "Yes, I am. And it's Ichiro Suzuki. I've been watching him for years. He's the best player on the team and this is actually his jersey."

"Ichiro is a legend, I agree," Sisko replied, leaning against a medical bed next to you. "We have a room open for you and once you're clear from here, I will take you there. If you need anything and want to be shown around the station, you can always reach out to me. How is she doing, Bashir?"

"Physically, she's fine," Bashir replied, "though I'm sure there will be some hesitation due to the new environment and time change. I still don't know how her body will react to being here since she spent so long in a different century."

"Understandable," Sisko replied, looking back at you. "Do you want to head to your quarters now or give it a minute?"

You nodded, sitting up slowly. "I can go now."

Sisko nodded, standing aside as you joined his side. He offered his arm in case you got nauseous and you took it, just in case. The two of you walked through the station, Sisko pointing out different areas of importance. He then took you to some hallways and to the quarters Sisko told you about. It was small but comfortable.

You turned to Sisko. "Thank you, sir. I appreciate your kindness."

"It's nothing," Sisko said. "And you can call me Sisko. Everybody does."

You nodded. "Okay. Thank you again for your kindness."

"Of course," Sisko replied. "Maybe sometime soon when you've had more rest we can have a drink and talk more."

You smiled a little. "And what? Talk about baseball?"

Sisko laughed. "Yes, maybe. I will see you around, y/n."

"See you around, Sisko."

With that, Sisko left. After that, you and Sisko joined for drinks every couple of nights. Baseball was something that you two bonded over and Sisko enjoyed hearing about the baseball games you had been to. He had never seen an actual baseball game and listening to someone who had been there was interesting to him. After awhile, the two of you started dating and the rest of it was history.

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