Bones x Carol Marcus

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Carol sat on the couch, reading an old book. She was waiting for Bones to come pick her up. They had been dating for about six months now. Carol loved Bones with all her heart and wouldn't trade him for anyone. Bones was the absolute gentleman to her. She looked up at the door. She set her book down and she walked over to the door. She opened it to see Bones standing there, holding a bouquet of lavender roses, her favorite flowers. Carol smiled widely as Bones held it out. Carol took them and smelled the roses.

"Thanks, Bones. These are my favorite," Carol exclaimed.

Bones chuckled. "I know. I thought it would be nice to get them for you, as a six-month anniversary gift."

Carol thanked him again and wrapped an arm around Bones's neck, having to stand on her tiptoes to actually reach him. Bones wrapped his arms around Carol's waist and picked her up a little. Carol giggled as Bones rocked her back and forth. Bones set her down but kept his arms wrapped around Carol's waist. He smiled sweetly at her.

"You ready for tonight?" Bones asked.

"Of course. Let me just put these in a pot," Carol replied.

Carol stepped out of Bones's arms and found a pot. She filled it with a water and set the flowers in the water. After she was done, she joined Bones in the main room. They left, hand in hand.

The Enterprise had a level completely dedicated to shops and restaurants. It was so the crew could relax and have a good time. It was good to walk around and not have to stress about something happening.

Bones and Carol walked down the main hall, talking and laughing the whole time. They stopped at a little coffee shop and ordered before sitting down. They were talking and laughing for hours as they sipped their coffee.

Eventually, they got up and left. They continued to walk the hallways. They were arm-in-arm, ignoring the rest of the ship. Eventually, they ended up at Carol's quarters again. Carol smiled a little at Bones.

"Thanks for today, Bones. I really enjoyed it. I love spending time with you," Carol said.

"You're welcome, darling." Bones tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear. Bones gently took Carol's chin and kissed her. Carol's arms wrapped around Bones's waist.

After a few moments, they stopped kissing and just looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you," Carol muttered.

"I love you too," Bones replied.

Carol quickly kissed Bones's cheek but before Carol could retreat into her quarters, Bones grabbed her wrist.

"Carol, I want to ask you a very important question," Bones said. "And you might cry."

Carol looked at Bones with worry. "Yes? Is something wrong?"

"I love you, Carol. I love you so, so much. With all my heart. And I want to spend my entire life with you." Bones paused, swallowing nervously. He pulled out a small box, opening it to show a beautiful, silver and blue ring. He knelt on the ground. "Will you marry me, Carol Marcus?"

Carol covered her mouth in surprise. She smiled widely. She nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes, oh my god, yes!"

Bones chuckled and stood up, sliding the ring onto her finger. Bones gently kissed Carol before pulling back and smiling at her.

"I love you."

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