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You were one of the unfortunate ones. You weren't a red shirt, which was relieving, but you still had unfortunate following you.

When Krall attacked the Enterprise, you had injured your leg. It was pretty bad. It was an injury to your thigh and it was deep enough to see bone.

Crewmates of yours helped you walk around the compound. Nurses and doctors tried their hardest to keep it from getting infected. It hurt so much, but you got through it.

But that wasn't it. Krall got it in his thick head of his that you were a close associate of Kirk and decided to torture you.

In the few hours you were there, you were beaten, thrown around, and kicked. It wasn't a great experience. You had bruises everywhere, a busted lip, both of your eyes were black - one of them swollen shut - and you knew some of your rips were cracked.

Kirk, like the great brother he was, came in on a motorcycle. He saved everyone, but it was Sulu who came for you. He knew where you were and wouldn't leave without you. He picked you off that cold floor and took you to the USS Franklin. Sulu was by your side until you got to Yorktown.

When you got to Yorktown, you were separated from Sulu and taken to a hospital. It was a few hours until Sulu stopped by with Demora, his daughter.

You loved Demora. She was the sweetest little girl and she was just the greatest. She loved being around you. She always loved playing with you and she loved you like a daughter would.

Demora immediately jumped onto the bed next to you and hugged you. You hugged back and held onto her. She pulled back but stayed in my lap.

You looked up at Sulu. He smiled at you and sat down on your bed. He took your hand in his and squeezed it.

"How are you doing, Y/N? Are you doing alright?" Sulu asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'll be fine."

"That's good."

The rest of the afternoon, you spent with Sulu and Demora. It was great to actually talk to them. In the end, they had to leave. Before they left, Sulu gently kissed your forehead. He rested his forehead against yours and closed his eyes.

"Don't do that again, okay?" Sulu whispered. "I love you."

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