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You wandered through the hallways, wasting time until your shift was over. It's not like you had anything to do anyway. People waved and greeted you as you passed by. You were friends with pretty much everyone on the ship. Everyone except Commander Spock.

Whenever you work up the courage to talk to him, it all goes away when he looks at you. You have trouble even saying hello to him.

You bumped into a very tall thing and stumbled. A strong hand grabbed your arm to steady you.

"Are you okay, Lieutenant?" A voice asked. You looked up to see Spock there.

"Y-yes. I'm fine. Sorry I-I bumped into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," you said.

"You're fine, Lieutenant. Why is your face so red? Is there something medically wrong with you?"

You laughed. "If you call having a crush a medical condition, then no, I don't have anything wrong with me."

Spock's head tilted to the side. And then you realized what you said. Your face turned an even darker shade of red.

"I'm sorry sir. I have to go," you said, slipping out of his grip and hurried away.

You were gone in a flash, leaving Spock behind, confused. Your shift was over, so you went straight to your quarters.

Once you got to your room, you closed the door and threw yourself onto your bed. A few minutes later, the alarm went off, signaling someone was at the door.

You sighed and got up. You opened the door to see Spock. You looked down in a shy manner.

"Sorry I said that. I don't have a filter in my mouth," you said.

"I don't mind. I was wondering if you'd like to go on a traditional human date," said Spock.

A smile grew on your face. "Sure. How about 5 tonight, in rec rooms 2?"

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