New to Town - Garak pt 1

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Theodosia danced around her room, singing as she decorated her room. Theodosia was a new transfer to DS9 and wanted her new place to feel like home. She was from Earth and had spent most of her life there. But when the opportunity arose to leave, Theodosia took it and packed her things to leave her old life behind.

Once her things were finished being put away, Theodosia left her quarters. She didn't have to report to work for a couple of days so she wanted to see what the space station had to offer. Theodosia ended up at the Promenade, a hotspot of activities and people. It was a beautiful place and reminded Theodosia of her very own home.

Theodosia stopped at a little restaurant to eat lunch. It was a cute little place that she was already beginning to love. As she sat there eating, she watched the people around her. People of all different species and backgrounds. Theodosia loved to people watch. It was one of the many pleasures she had in life as a part of Starfleet. She got to see so many different kinds of people and got to learn so much about the people she got to meet.

One man she noticed sitting a few tables away was a Cardassian. He had black hair that was combed back and he was wearing casual wear. He was quietly sipping his drink, silently watching the people around him. He made eye contact with Theodosia and smiled a little bit, a certain look in his eyes. Theodosia held his gaze, refusing to back down. The Cardassian stood up, grabbing his drink, and joined Theodosia.

"Good afternoon," he greeted, getting comfortable in his seat. "I haven't seen you around here. I'm Garak. And you are?"

She smiled. "I'm Theodosia but I'm Teddy or Theo to those who know me well. It's a pleasure to meet you, Garak."

"What are you doing here at DS9?" Garak asked. "Are you a recent transfer or are you visiting?"

"A recent transfer," Theodosia replied. "I'm with the science division."

"A scientist!" Garak exclaimed. "Some of my favorite kind of people are scientists."

Theodosia smiled. "That's good then. What do you do, Mr. Garak?"

"I'm a tailor," Garak replied. "My shop is here on the Promenade."

Theodosia nodded, finishing her meal. "I quite enjoyed our conversation, Mr. Garak, though I have more exploring to do. Care to join me?"

Garak smiled, standing up. "Of course."

Theodosia stepped out onto the Promenade, Garak by her side. They walked side by side, talking as they went. Garak gave Theodosia several insights about the station and how things went. She enjoyed the new information and his company quite well. Garak was an interesting man and Theodosia was starting to feel like they would have a good friendship.

They were stopped when a young man in a medical uniform came walking up, greeting Garak. Theodosia stood to the side, watching them with a little smile. They were clearly good friends.

Garak paused the conversation, turning to her. "My apologies, dear Theodosia. This is my good friend, Julian Bashir. Julian, this is Theodosia. She's new here."

Theodosia held out her hand. "It's nice to meet you, Bashir. I'm a new transfer in the science department. What's your job here?"

"I'm the chief medical officer," Julian replied. "And please, just call me Julian. I prefer to be called that with friends."

Theodosia smiled. "Friends already. I love it. Do you want to join us on the tour? I'm sure there's more Garak was planning on showing me."

Garak smiled at Theodosia. "Of course. Now come along, Teddy. There's a lot to show."

Theodosia noticed the change in what Garak called her but decided to ignore it. She knew that they would be fast friends. Theodosia didn't mind what Garak called her. He was a nice enough man from what she could tell. He didn't give off any bad vibes and always smiled at her.

At the end of the day, Julian left to deal with personal matters, leaving Theodosia and Garak to themselves. Garak ended up walking Theodosia to her quarters. Theodosia didn't have any complaints of him walking her home. She found it quite romantic. In the time they were together, Theodosia found Garak very attractive and she was beginning to like him a bit.

Theodosia stopped outside of her quarters, smiling at Garak. "Thanks for walking me."

"Of course, Theodosia," Garak said. "I enjoy good company and that happens to be you. Are you free tomorrow for dinner?"

Theodosia nodded. "Yeah, I am. I'll see you then."

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