Sulu x Uhura - Dancing On My Own

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The idea here is that Sulu is in love with Uhura, but can't have her because she's with Spock, so he's heartbroken.

Sulu watched from across the REC room. Uhura and Spock were sitting on a couch, cuddling. Sulu was jealous of their relationship. He always wanted Uhura to look at him like she did to Spock. He wanted to hold her at night and kiss her in her the morning.

But he couldn't. Spock was everything to Uhura. He took care of her and he loved her with all his emotionless heart.

Uhura kissed Spock on the cheek and got up. She walked towards Sulu. When she walked past, she waved at him. Sulu gave a dejected wave back.

Uhura walked out and left him to his lonely heart. Sulu sighed and got up as well. He threw his trash away and walked out. Sulu stuffed and his hands in his pockets and kept his head down.

She was his everything. His ray of sunshine. His darling. Sulu liked to think that soul mates were real. That everyone had one and they would find each other one day. Sulu liked to think that when the universe was created, two people's atoms were close together, and when the people became an actual being, they are drawn to that person.

Sulu thought that maybe, just maybe, his atoms were close to Uhura's, but Sulu was beginning to lose hope. He wanted Uhura to be his soulmate. His forever. But she couldn't be. She was Spock's. She was that green-blooded hobgoblin's. She would never be his.

Sulu made it back to his quarters. Sulu and Uhura had been best friends before she started dating Spock. They spent every living moment together. They rarely ever left each other's sides. They were inseparable. They did everything together. Shopping, eating, homework. They even slept in the same bed sometimes. They had the best friend relationship that everyone wanted. They were so close to each other that people often thought they were a couple. But they weren't. 

Uhura slowly started to drift away from Sulu. They stopped talking, hanging out, and stopped eating together. Uhura stopped everything with Sulu. It's like he didn't even exist. That's what made Sulu feel lonely. He had lost his best friend and his sunlight. The one person who was everything to him, the one person who he thought he could never live without, was the one person who had left him.

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