Running Away

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As Tommy was Tired of being pushed around in exile he finally decided to run away but before he left Tommy saw someone coming from the portal it was Ranboo he was about to leave he thought to say goodybe to ranboo as he was the only one there for Tommy went up to Ranboo " hey Ranboo so im going to run away from exile I have to it is hell here" Tommy blerted out Ranboo looked shocked then looked calm and replied " I get it Tommy but can I come with you it is hard in L'manberg " now it was Tommy's time to be stunned but he nodded in agreement then they left on there way to find a house because in exile he thought of Ranboo as a brother becaus his other brothers wernt there for him both of the =m on there journey heard a loud scream it was a woman she was wearing rag and was attaked by a zombie as they heard the shout they went to help the lady they saw she had a baby with her after the zimbie was defeated Tommy asked politley " Miss are you okay?" she then handed her baby to Tommy and said " Take care of her please ive already been biten by a zombie" in tears they accpeted and left the wepintng woman alone they spotted a bug villaga near them there were two gaurds at the gate the went in and saw a little house and a mini room for a baby there were two seperate beds upstairs they then decided to stay in the village also Tommy was sometimes a babysisitter for some other kid while ranboo was a teacher Tommy was also known for singing and reading songs around the village they were adored and Tommy and Ranboo and the Baby named Sky-Ran Innit were all happy 

If you want a part two comment or message any is fine

also 329 words POG! 

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