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As Tommy was talking to Tubbo Tommy couldn't feel a bit jelous as Tubbo is talking about Ranboo.

About how cool he looks and how his oersonality is.

When Tubbo left to hang out with Ranboo Tommy went to his house and got out his old guitar and started singing with his guitair as Wilbur showed him when he was young.

" Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo "

" I'm begging of you please don't take my friend... "

" Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo "

As Tommy was singing somebody or some people were watching 

Wilbur, Phil, Techno, and Nikki.

They heard the small tune there friend? brother and son is singing.

" Please don't take him just because you can "

" Your kindness is beyond compare With kindness no one could have With pretty green and red eyes Your smile is like a breath of spring Your voice is sweet like summer rain.. "

" And I cannot compete with you Ranboo "

Nikki started feeling a bit of sorrow for the poor boy.

" He talks about you everyday And there's nothing I can do to keep From crying when he calls your name Ranboo "

" And I can easily understand How you could easily take my friend But you don't know what he means to me Ranboo "

" Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo I'm begging of you please don't take my man Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo Please don't take him just because you can " 

Ranboo and Tubbo just showed up to where the small group was the were shocked Tommy could sing then when they heard some words he sung Tubbo felt a bit of guilt Ranboo didn't know how to react to this.

" You could have your choice of friends That I could never find again He's the only one for me Ranboo. "

" I had to have this talk with you My happiness depends on you And whatever you decide to do Ranboo "

Ranboo still didn't know what to do " Does he think i'm stealing Tubbo away? " Ranboo thought.

" Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo I'm begging of you please don't take my friend Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo, Ranboo Please don't take him even though you can Ranboo, Ranboo ."

When Tommy finished he had tears in his eyes he thought it was better to sleep on it he turned off his light put away his guitair and did his night routines and went to bed.

The others were still shocked and felt they should let the kid sleep.

 411 Words POG!

Tommyinnit Oneshots as songsWhere stories live. Discover now