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Trinity knew it was soon time for war as she was the army leader she was going against DreamSMP or L'manberg, why? they hurt her family and friends ( Philza, Techno, Wilbur, Fundy, Ranboo and Tubbo ) they are his family and friends so Trinity decided that she was going to war she gave the DreamSMP warning they shouldn't of messes with the SBI family Trinity knows how to use a sword and not just that she was trained by the blood god himself.

She know how to fist fight she knows how to defend basically everything there is just one thing she has the best fighting on even though her fighting skills are impressive she has beautiful large wings that is close to her fathers but hers is a bit bigger and are white while her father's is dark gray. her armor is the only kind.

The reason heaps of people are scared of her accept her kingdom as she is a princess even though she doesn't really act like a lady nobody really care unless she is having fun the only time she isn't laughing of yelling at her friends ( Jokingly ) is when someone hurts someone she loves.

She is going though with it she is battling the DreamSMP with her siblings, friends and other knights , Females, Males and non-binary who will win...?

Trinity knew she needs to prepare and that's what she is doing.


" The battle's coming now " Trinity starts singing while getting ready for battle. Trinity went to her room to get her sword and other stuff.

" my fury shakes the ground " she went  to get her armor ready and help her siblings.

" I've come to take my vengeance " she continued as the castle was huge it was sometimes distant walks to get to other places.

" I'm rising up my heart is pounding " as this is her first ever war as she as only trained she is a bit nervous but she needs to do this.

" Ready or not the clock is counting down " she wants to focus on  her one thing Lead she needs to lead her army help them she did I forget to mention she also has a medical licence.

" This is my moment This is my moment This is my moment  " as she was singing while getting her stuff as she will need to make potions she will also need a good sleep so she can fight properly she is fixing her armor as it it a bit tinted a few dents in it and just a quick fix then her armor will nearly be done.

" Whoa I was born for greatness Whoa A legend in the making Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion Whoa Come on try and take it " Trinity is now making some fire resistant potions. But her is singing is soft calming

What Trinity didn't realize is that  someone or some people are Ranboo, Wilbur, Tubbo and Techno are watching her get ready while singing as she always liked singing. But they could see the stress forming they all frowned a bit.

" Whoa It all comes down to this and Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion I am the I am the I am I am the champion " Trinity stood up which started to others who were watching her but calmed down but quickly moved as she was walking away. Trinity left to bed as she needs a good sleep for what's to come. 

"" You know she's out for blood she's feeling dangerous she just can't get enough she's rising up her heart is pounding Ready or not the clock is counting down~ "

" This is my moment This is my moment This is my moment yeah Whoa I was born for greatness Whoa A legend in the making Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion Whoa Come on try to take it Whoa It all comes down to this and Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion I am the I am the I am I am the champion " she sung one last time before going to bed everyone who was listening was impressed they knew she could sing but knot like that.

When Trinity woke up she got ready got her siblings ate some breakfast and her army is also ready she got all er weapons they set out to go to the DreamSMP it looked like they were ready too when she got there she saw Dream he asked a question that made everyone laugh ( But the DreamSMP ) " Who is the leader blondie " Trinity also replied back " One your also a blonde just with darker hair two i'm the leader got a problem? " " No " Dream didn't know the army leader would be a female.

" Whoa Come on try to take it Whoa it all comes down to this and Deep in her bones Oh yeah she knows she is she is the champion she is the she is the she is she is the champion "

" I know where I'm going I have been chosen I'll never be broken I am the champion A clashing of titans A battle of giants Take a moment of silence I am the champion " everyone in from the DreamSMP were confused well they shouldn't be confused in a bit.

" Whoa I was born for greatness Whoa A legend in the making Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion Whoa Come on try to take it Whoa It all comes down to this and Deep in my bones Oh yeah I know I am I am the champion I am the I am the I am I am the champion " she sung while fighting Dream but surprised everyone with she spread out her wings as she looked to her left she could she one of her brothers nearly losing but when Wilbur heard her singing his confidence came back and started to win in the fight but Trinity is still fighting Dream.

What happens next Part 2? 

This is my longest one-shot so far!


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