Asylum Tommy Au

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dream out Tommy in an asylum because Tommy and Tubbo's plan didn't work he killed Tubbo at the vault nobody showed up and instead of putting Tommy in his house, he put him in an asylum for 6 and a half months so he is 17 still.

Tommy was broken beyond repairs nobody showed up as he has been in an asylum Tommy started going crazy...

As always Dream was going to visit Tommy but overheard something on his way there as Tommy began singing Dream made sure he was out of sight so Tommy couldn't see him.

"Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the" Tommy began " What does he mean by " Welcome to the" " Dream thought but Dream kept on listening " Hell raising, hair raising I'm ready for the worst So frightening, face whitening Fear that you can't reverse" " Okay this is starting to get a bit creppy " Dream shuddered at the thought.

" My phone has no signal It's making my skin crawl The silence is so loud" " Shit! he had his phone the whole time this could go wrong" Dream felt just a tiny bit worried.

" The lights spark and flicker With monsters much bigger Than I can control now " " What monsters? and control? " As Dream was getting anxious he didn't know that Tommy saw him.

Tommy kept pretending he wasn't there, " Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna Come for you, come for you " Tommy quickly crawled over to Dream, Dream felt really scared and not understanding what the other is saying.

" Welcome to the panic room You'll know I wasn't joking When you see them too, see them too " out of the corner of Dream's eye there was a little creature but Dream didn't get a good look at it.

" Welcome to the panic room" Tommy singing to it (Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the Welcome to the) The creppy shadow began going along with Tommy. 

" Still waiting, hands shaking Maybe the coast will clear But these voices, these strange noises They followed me in here " " VOICES!? " Dream began backing away further into a corner.

" My phone has no signal It's making my skin crawl The silence is so loud The lights spark and flicker With monsters much bigger Than I can control now Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna Come for you, come for you Welcome to the panic room You'll know I wasn't joking When you see them too, see them too Welcome to the panic room (Welcome to the Welcome to the)" The creppy shadow began singing what Tommy sang.

" There's no crying wolves now 'Cause the truth has settled in Hiding under goose down For your nightmare to begin There's no crying wolves now (welcome to the, welcome to) 'Cause the truth has settled in (welcome to the, welcome to the) Hiding under goose down (welcome to the, welcome to the)".

"For your nightmare to begin (welcome to the, welcome to the)" The duo still singing toghter and they both snapped there heads to face Dream who was frantically trying to open the door but the handle didn't work.

While they were singing there last part Dream recognized something it was Tubbo but not there Tubbo Gubbo or Phanboo 

" Welcome to the panic room Where all your darkest fears are gonna Come for you, come for you Welcome to the panic room You'll know I wasn't joking When you see them too, see them too Hell raising, hair raising I'm ready for the worst".

Just as the door opened for Dream something hard hit him at the back of his head

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