Good For You!

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Also When They Say " Him" They Mean Tommy

 Tommy was tired of Wilbur pushing him around and today it all changed was it for the better or was it for the worst? before he was going to meet Wilbur he called a few of his friends in case he needed support but still thought he could do this he got Purpled, Ranboo, Tubbo, Puffy, Ponk, Sam( Who is an enemy to Tommy now), and others including Nikki.  

When he met Wilbur he was extremely nervous of what he about to do as he is cared for what might happen, " Ah Tommy" Wilbur said happily " Why are all these people here?" he asked Tommy didn't respond this made Wilbur a bit mad as he was about to land a hit on Tommy everybody gasped but were shocked again when Tommy caught Wilburs hand.

" So you found a place where the grass is greener And you jumped the fence to the other side Is it good? Are they giving you a world I could never provide?".

 " Tommy what are you talking about," Wilbur said sternly but Tommy still ignored him the others were also were wondering what Tommy was talking about except for Purpled, Tubbo, and Ranboo.

"Well I hope you're proud of your big decision Yeah, I hope it's all that you want and more Now you're free from the agonizing life you were living before" Wilnur was getting a bit nervous after all Tommy only stood up to him at exile nothing else.

everybody was shocked at how angry the kid was,  Tubbo stepped up to next to Tommy and Tubbo started but Tommy stopped " And you say what you need to say So that you get to walk away it would kill you to have to stay trapped When you've got something new Well I'm sorry he had it rough And I'm sorry I'm he was not enough Thank God they rescued you" Tubbo said angry Wilbur and everyone was also shocked at Tubbo also yelling at Wilbur.

As Purpled stood up as well " So you got what you always wanted So you got your dream come true Good for you Good for you, you, you Got a taste of a life so perfect So you did what you had to do Good for you Good for you" Purpeled was also angry at how he had been treating Tommy many gasps were heard around.

Wilbur looked like he could burst at any moment at how they were talking to him. As Ranboo also stood up everyone including Wilbur was surprised because he didn't really get involved into big things like these and he much is a queit person

" Does it cross your mind to be slightly sorry? Do you even care that you might be wrong? Was it fun? Well I hope you had a blast while you dragged him along".

As Tommy was starting again "And you say what you need to say And you play who you need to play And if somebody's in your way Crush them and leave them behind Well I guess if I'm not of use Go ahead, you can cut me loose Go ahead now, I won't mind ".

everyone held their breath when Tommy said that he had been used multiple times than anyone can count.

" Tomm-" Wilbur got cut off once more by Tommy but this time it wasn't filled with hate it was filled with sadness and pain. Tommy had tears in his eyes shining because he didn't want to show his tears and feel weak.

Wilbur, had a face of guilt come, " I'll shut my mouth and I'll let you go Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you? I'll just sit back while you run the show Is that good for you? Would that be good for you, you, you?" Tommy's voice was shaky but Purpeled saw the rears and gave him a hug. 

Puffy and others felt bad for the boy mainly Wilbur, nikki and Sam after what they did to him was unforgivable and they caused Tommy lots of pain at what they said and did to him.

Tommy still going " ll I need is some time to think But the boat is about to sink Can't erase what I wrote in ink Tell me how could you change the story? All the words that I can't take back Like a train coming off the track 'Cause the rails and my bones all crack" " STOP IT STOP IT" Wilbur yelled out to try and calm the but but failing as Tommy got louder from when Wilbur raised his voice.

"Just let me out!" Tommy's voice cracking now letting his tears fully how and everyone could see the tears and the tear stains.

This time Tommy, Purpled, Ranboo, and Tubbo all began together " So you got what you always wanted So you got your dream come true Good for you Good for you, you, you Got a taste of a life so perfect Now you say that you're someone new Good for you Good for you Good for you Good for you So you got what you always wanted".

All of the boys let out sobs as they have all been broken Puffy rushed over to them and gave them all a hug that they needed then all of them said a thing nobody could forget " We Are Leaving L'manberg For Good And Not Coming Back" everyone now had tears in their eyes.

" D-don't Leave please" Wilbur mumbled but loud enough for Tommy to hear " No Wilbur I'm leaving and you can't do anything about it now" they already had their stuff ready but before they left Quackity called put something " WAIT!" all four of them stopped and turned around o look at Quackity " Yes Big Q," Tommy asked " I'm coming with you" gasps flooded and shocked faces including his fiances faces he went over to the four.

" Please?" the minors all looked at each other and happily said " YES!" just when Quackity and the minors were about to leave Sapnap called out "Q why are you leaving?" he asked saddened that his fiance wants to leave " You know why" Quackity responded slightly shaking but Tommy noticed this and gave him a quick hug.

" Everybody here has either left me or ignore me just like I never knew about Kinoko Kingdom You, Sapnap, Karl and George left to build another country without me and didn't bother telling me" Quackity had tears pouring out of his eyes Karl and Sapnaps hearts shattered from what their fiance had told them.

Quackity went up to Sapnap and Karl " Here" and gave him there engagment rings " Goodbye" Quakckty said still slightly shaking the minors and quackity left and went to live a happier life while L'manberg were sobbing and had guilty faces on them " We messed up" Sapnap said to Karl who weakly nodded his head

LET'S GO 1176 Words POG!    PART 2?

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