Be Alright :) ( F.T. BUISSNES BAY )

125 4 3

Mentions: Underage Drinking


Tommy always asked everyday if Tubbo wanted to hang out but his only responses were " Go away Tommy, I'm hanging out with Micheal, TOMMY GO AWAY! ETC. so the next time Tommy went to visit Tubbo at his house something happened...

 When Tommy got to the house 


Tommy had his head down incase he would be yelled at again

Tommy's Pov. : 

' I look up from the ground and see your sad and teary eyes '

Tubbo looked at Tommy for a second then quickly turned around Tommy was for sure confused ' It looks like something your trying to hide... ' 

Tommy reached out to put a hand on Tubbo's shoulder

' But you push it away... '

' And I wonder what's on your mind~ '

' Then you tell me you made a dumb mistake '

' You start to tremble and your voice begins to break... ' 

' You said you say " I burnt the disk... " '

I feel the colour draining from my face...

Tommy ran away avoiding the yells Tubbo is yelling out to him and sees Quackity and Tommy rushes up to him with tears Quackity was startled at the sudden movement ( I'm lazy sorry havn't had sleep in the last 3 days ) after Tommy explained to Quackity what happened they went to Tommy's house and sat down.

' And Quackity said '

Quackity's Pov:

" He might be your best friend but it's probably over Tommy... '

" It doesn't matter put the picture away...~"  ( The picture of them at the beach )

" It's never easy to walk away, let him go It'll be alright... " 

Tommy said goodbye to Quackity and left to go to his house when he got to his house he sat on his bed with his hands on his face covering his now muffled sobs

' I still think back to all the memories we had '

' And I know I shouldn't, but it was fucking with my head '

' All trust gone like exile... yea it is gone '

' When you told me what you did... I could tell you didn't want our friendship anymore... '

Tommy started packing he decided to leave L'manberg he has had enough of betrayal.

' But it's not that fact that you burnt my disc it's the feeling of betrayal... "

' And everything I know tells me that I should walk away But I just want to leave '

Tommy wiped his tears he got Shroud ( In this One-shot he's a kid ) Tommy started his journey when he finally got there he was tackled in a huge hug Tommy was shocked at most they all chuckled until someone spoke up.

' And Wisp said... '

Wisp P.O.V

" He might of used to be your best friend but it's probably good that it's over "

Timedeo P.O.V 

" Get rid of the pictures... Tommy. "

All Business Bay Boys - Tommy P.O.V

"  It's never easy to walk away, let him go It'll be alright "  

" But nothing heals The past like time And they can't steal The love you're born to find But nothing heals The past like time And they can't steal The love you're born to find "

Luke P.O.V

" It's gonna hurt for a bit of time So bottoms up, let's forget tonight You'll be with us again and you'll be just fine Let him go "

 Timedeo & Bitzel P.O.V.S

" It'll be alright It'll be alright It'll be alright It'll be alright It'll be alright "

Tommy's P.O.V

Tommy had tears in his eyes he was happy to be with them again he missed them dearly 

Part 2?


A/N : Sorry for not being online for a bit I have been having trouble sleeping lately so I'm not really concentrating that well again sorry I'll try to post next week or earlier

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