Broken On The Floor... ( F.T Sam ) Tommy Angst

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Sam saw how pale and distant Tommy has been lately so he went to talk to him he went to Tommy's room ( They live in a house together ) and sat on Tommy's bed sitting next to him Tommy had his legs up but his head down Tommy lifted is head up after he heard Sam enter.

" Do you need, Do you need someone " Sam asked softly. Tommy was a bit shocked as only Puffy asked him something similar Tommy's face brightened up a tiny bit.

" Are you scared of what's to come? " Sam asked another question Tommy ignored it but in reality he is terrified of getting older but as he has always joked that he will be older Tommy doesn't want grow up he wants to stay a kid because he already has too many responsibility and he will have way more when he gets older.

" If you leave then who will the next one be? Will he do the same or will he let you see? " Tommy looked up at Sam with a broken look on his face.

Sam gulped at the look on the younger's face he looked like he was tired of everything...

" You don't have to hurt, you don't have to hurt anymore

With a little time, take a look and find what you're searching for " Sam gently said but Tommy knew that it was a lie people still hurt him to this day.

" you are broken on the floor And you're crying, crying He has done this all before But you're lying, lying To yourself, that he'll find peace That he will change to someone else But you're broken on the floor Still asking Dream for more "

" Will you leave or will you carry on? Is your love from before still strong? " Tommy doesn't even know the only people he loved was Sam and Tubbo, Tubbo as left it is only Sam who hasn't left him yet as always they all do.

Sam read Tommy's face it was blank like he didn't care just if he turned off his emotions.

" If you leave, will you keep the memory That made night so long, that cut so deep? " Tommy questioned Sam, Sam silently nodded to Tommy.

" But you don't have to hurt, you don't have to hurt anymore " Sam responded with that answer again. Tommy's face was still blank except for the time where he spoke.

" With a little time, take a look and find what you're searching for "

" You are broken on the floor And you're crying, crying He has done this all before But you're lying, lying To yourself, that he'll find peace That he will change to someone else But you're broken on the floor Still asking him for more " Sam said to Tommy, Tommy was shocked at how he knew most of that.

" Asking him for more Asking him for more " Tommy murmured.

" You are broken on the floor And you're crying, crying He has done this all before But you're lying, lying To yourself, that he'll find peace That he will change to someone else
But you're broken on the floor Still asking him for more Asking him for more, more " Tommy knew what Sam was saying was true it keeps repeating in his head Tommy didn't know what to do...

" Still asking him for more "

Tommy slowly fell asleep Sam gave him a quick ' Goodnight ' face Tommy fully fell asleep San quickly carried him over to his bed to sleep part and he was sitting on the covers 


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