Chapter 1 (the begining)

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I was sitting on the sofa scrolling through my phone with my younger brother, Kenric, and older sister, Amy. Well Kenric was leaning on Amy's shoulder because he was to young to own a phone. Kenric had messy blonde hair and ice blue eyes, just like dad, while Amy had the same blonde hair like Kenric but she had brown eyes with gold flecks, just like Mom. I was a even mix of both manly because I have one brown one blue eye but with the same blonde hair.
When the door bell rang, us being the lazy people we are all looked at each other waiting for one of them to get the door.
"I got it last time," Amy remembered and then Kenric chimed in,
" and I got it the time before."
They both stared at me for a moment before I got up and went to answer the door.
When I opened it I was surprised to find a tall man with bright teal eyes and neatly styled brown hair, but the main thing that surprised me was his clothes. I mean he was wearing a cape and a weird crown on his head. I didn't expect a visit from a guy who looked like royalty but the weirdest part was the way he gasped when he saw me. Who is this man how does he know me? Before I could ask he spoke and his voice had a very weird accent.
" Hello, are your parents home I would like to have a word with them," he seemed nice so I went to the bottom of the stairs and shouted.
After a minute Mom walked down stairs but when she got to the door and saw the man she froze and so did the man.
"Calla go to your room and get your dad."
I didn't know what was going on so after I told dad to go to the door I went to the top of the stairs and listened to what they where saying.
"How did you find us?" Mom asked, she sounded scared.
"Oh I should be the one asking questions Sophie. You and Keefe ran away 20 years ago and when I finally find you you have a child and I bet she doesn't even know."
Know what? How did mom and dad know him? Where did they run away from? Why?
"Well we actually have 3 kids and only the eldest knows because she has manifested." Dad sounded calm but there was something els that I couldn't place. Also what about the manifesting thing? Well Amy is the eldest so what does she know?
"Well," the man said, " are you now going to tell me why you ran away or should we just wait till we get back to the lost cities."
What are the lost cities?
"Fitz," mom said sounding stern, " I'm not going any where with you."
I risked a glance down the stairs and saw the man, no Fitz turn bright red and he looked as if he was going to have a temper tantrum so I wasn't surprised when he shouted.
"Fitz," mom tried but he was having none of it.
" DONT JUST DONT. Do you even know what has happened in the lost cities."
After they both said no Fitz continued,
"Yeah I didn't think so you wouldn't know that I'm now a counsellor and how Tam, Biana, Dex, Marella, Linh and Wylie are all married or any thing els so sorry for wanting an explanation."
It was a long pause before Dad spoke.
"Well first congratulations and second we can't tell you and we can't go back with you."
"Oh just wait and see I will be back and I will bring everyone because you need to come back," Fitz paused before looking at the ground and saying, "The Neverseen are back."
Who were the Neverseen?
"WHAT!" Mom and Dad shouted.
"We got a death threat from the Neverseen and we didn't think much of it, we just thought someone els had been starting a small rebellion but then, Lady Gisela showed up and attacked Biana and Tam and their daughter Eclipse.So yeah just you can just stay here in your perfect life while the rest of us suffer but just note I will be back," then without a second notice he ran out the door slamming it behind him.
"What are we going to do," Mom sounded more worried then ever before.
"I don't know," Dad replied," I think we need to tell Calla and Kenric or we could," His voice trailed off when he spotted me at the top of the stairs and after a second Mom turned around too.
She turned to Dad who didn't know what to do so he whispered something into Mom's ear then she seemed to debate it for a few moments and  eventually calmed down.
"Ok come here," Mom's voice had gone from angry to I don't know kinda guilty so I didn't move.
"No what's going on? Who was that man? What are the lost cities? What aren't you telling me?"
"Honey," Dad soothed, "It will all be fine just come here and we will explain everything."
After a few seconds I agreed, walking over but when I got there instead of giving me a hug or telling me what was happening Mom put her fingers on my temples.
"What are you doing," I asked confused.
"Nothing dear," Mom whispered as Dad came behind me as if ready to catch me,"It's going to be ok."
Before I could run away I felt my body collapse into Dad's ready arms as the memory was washed away.

Hey this is my first fanfiction so be warned this might suck but hey so I don't really know what to say but this is a thing and I don't think there's anything I need to say so um
Flossy out

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