Chapter15 (this never gets old does it)

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Grady quickly picked it up and started reading,
"Dear all,
Now that the Moonlark and my son are back in the lost cities with there kids it moves the time line up a long way so now 2 members of the order will come to the Fosters new home to take my son or Calla away to for fill there legacy and if you decide to ignore this and think you can stop it them let's just say with have spies every where so Keefe if you wish to have all your friends and family alive I expect to see you or Calla alone standing outside of the house at noon,
Sincerely Lady Gisela."
After what had to be an eternity of silence Dad finally spoke.
"So I guess I'm going with the Neverseen."
"No!" Mom demanded.
"Well there is no way I'm letting Calla go."
Mom paced the room a few times trying to think of what to do but clearly having no luck.
"Why don't we try and stop them and set up guards." Bronte suggested but Mom quickly shut it down.
"No! I'm not going to risk having one of my children get hurt."
After a moment a person called Oralie (who used to be on the Council but apparently step down soon after Mom and Dad ran away)
"What if we put them in a safe house so the Neverseen won't be able to get to them and so we can try to defeat them."
"Ok but who's going to be there?"
Everyone of course nominated themselves, Amy laughed and reach into her purse pulling out a pair of earphones handing one to me as we leaned against the wall as we sat down.
"I have been to 2 of these and we are going to be here a while."
So we sat there for what felt like hours but eventually they finally agreed that Grady, Bronte, Tam, Linh, Marella, Maruca and of course Dad while Mom would be at the safe house with us.
After another few hours we finally got back to Moonjade and we all went to bed exhausted.
I was about to go to sleep when a small backpack caught my eye.
Amy and Mom must have bought a few things from my house with the humans, I hopped out of bed to find a few sets of clothes, my headphones, my phone, a locket and a picture of me and a beautiful girl. A girl who would still be here if it wasn't for me.
A locket that Heather gave me as she was dying.
All because of me.
With that thought came the guilt.
If I had just come with Mom and Dad and left Heather to find a better girl.
If I hadn't called Amy and kept working for the Neverseen.
Or if I hadn't even met her.
Or if I hadn't-
The door burst open and in came Mom and Dad but I didn't even look up I just kept staring at her lovely face as tears steamed down my cheeks.
If only.

I was about to drift of when I heard a sharp intake of breath,
"You ok?" I whispered into the black.
"No I think- I think Calla is feeling guilty again."
I immediately bolted up right jumping out of bed as me and Keefe both rushed to her room.
As we entered in saw Calla.
She was on the floor crying holding a picture of her and Heather looking happy like they had no worries holding them back and they could just be them.
I wrapped Callas trembling form up in my arms as Keefe joined the embrace.
After a while Calla chocked out between sobs,
"I miss her. She should be here. It's all my fault."
Just those 3 sentences broke my heart.
"No," I soothed, "you can't think like that it's not your fault."
"But if-" she tried but Keefe was having not of it.
"NO! Listen to me Calla this was not my fault you can't think like that it could really hurt you."
" I don't care about me I care about my-"
She groaned and rubbed her temples.
Panic chocked my lungs.
Her mind is breaking.
I turned to Keefe who quickly ran to the bedside table and got a sedative from the draw.
I quickly grabbed it and poured it down her throat, after a few seconds she fell limp in my arms as she drifted off.
I stared at Keefe shakily before quickly pressing my hands against her temples to check. Gladly her mind didn't break but it was just close.
After a moment Keefe finally spoke as I continue to cradle my unconscious daughter.
"So what are we going to do?"
"Well it's still night and the sedative only last 5 hours but she will probably sleep longer since it's night and I will be here when she wakes up and double check she's ok and we don't tell any one."
"You know this guilt isn't just going to disappear?"
After a beat of silence I replied,
"I know I just-"
My voice trailed off but Keefe knew.
I can't deal with the fact that my daughter mind is breaking.
"I know me to." He soothed after a moment.
"I'm going to tuck Calla into bed." I said standing up with Calla still in my arms, "go try and get some sleep."
I pressed my lips against his cutting him off.
He walked out then and I placed Calla in the nest of pillows she had created before lifting the blanket on top on her and sitting beside her watching Calla looking so peaceful.
Surprisingly when Calla woke up she was fine a bit shaken but all together fine.
Now that that's ok it's time to go to the safe house.
I honestly don't know how Keefe talked me out of going to the fight but of course he did.
We were about to leave, it was an hour before noon so I had to leave with the kids.
Keefe kissed me goodbye and whispered in my ear,
"This never gets old, does it?"
I laughed,


Wow that was real anyway hope you enjoyed that but I had nothing to say so

Flossy out

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