Chapter 17(whats going to happen)

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I grunted as they threw my body onto the cold metal of my cell, I looked brave though. I couldn't be seen as weak, I had to do this to protect my family there's nothing weak about it. I was doing the same thing people in the books I read as a child would do. They would put there life on the line to save the people they loved but as soon as they left I bursted into tears.
I was terrified. Scared out of my wits. How did Mom do this when she was 12?
All of a sudden the door opened and I tried to stop crying, it's harder than it looks, but all the person did was go and sit down next to the cell and look at me for a moment.
As soon as the door she seamed to go full on word vomit.
"Are you ok? Why are you here? Did they hurt someone you love? Do you need anything?"
"Ok well let's see I'm kinda ok, I'm here because my parents are Keefe and Sophie Foster, yes they hurt my brother and no I don't need anything thanks for asking. No question for you. Why are you being so nice to me?"
The persons hood fell down, it was a women with long blonde hair turquoise eyes, she was beautiful but only as a bit of light seeped through the small window did I see the burn makes that were all over her body.
The girl smiled,
"It's the right thing to do. I'm Jolie."
I gasped.
"That's my sister middle name she was named after my Moms adoptive parents dead daughter she died in a fire of something."
Jolies eyes widened.
"Were they Grady and Edaline?"
After a moment I nodded, Jolie laughed at that,
"She was named after me."
"What?!" I exclaimed, "but your alive and this person is.... well dead."
"I know." Jolie looked pained waiting for a few moments before continuing, "the Neverseen faked my death and they came up with a whole story that Brant, my fiance, killed me it was really sad but I was forced against my will to work for them and now well here I am."
That was a lot.
"Do you know how long they will keep me for?"
"No but I will try to help you escape. I can't promise much but I do know no one deserves to be here."
"Thank you."
"Believe me it's nothing."
They sat there and talked for hours just about random thing but it felt nice to just relax even though I was kidnapped and I have no idea what's going to happen but Jolie made me feel safe.

No. No. No.
Amy was gone.
The news hit hard and apparently one of there close friends called Alden was part of the Neverseen.
After we got home I didn't know what to do. No one did.
We all went to our rooms but not after a billion questions from Mom and Dad but it was the same question just in different ways.
Are you ok?
How are you?
Are you sure your doing ok?
They were obviously worried about my mind and I tried to keep my emotions under control so Dad couldn't tell.
Of course I wasn't ok.
The Neverseen took my sister and it was partly my fault.
I didn't let the guilt come till I was safely locked in my room then I completely lost myself.
The tears came and I couldn't stop them, I ran to bed hiding my face in a pillow as I sobbed for every thing I had lost in that one day.
I didn't let the guilt take over though, I just let it sit there like a weight in my brain. I could carry it for now but I wasn't focusing in that I was fixed on Amy.
After I had finished I herd muffled sobs from the room next to me.
I stood up, going to his door, knocking before entering.
He tried to hide it but he couldn't but I'm glad he didn't, I made my way to his bed as I wrapped my arms around his small frame. He threw his arms around my neck, and we sat there, clinging to each other.
I gently traced circles on Kenric's back until he finally calmed, I looked down to see him sleeping peaceful in my arms.
I gently picked him up moving him so he was laying down on his huge bed with my arm wrapped protectively around him.
And after a while.
A very long while I finally drifted off, not seeing the to adults admiring there kids from the door.

"Aren't they adorable?"
I cued as I watched to of my kids sleeping peacefully together.
The news about Alden was shocking to everyone because Alden was sweet and kind but it was all just an acted.
And there was a goblin.
And Amy's gone.
All of it was so hard.
Keefe draped an arm around my shoulders as I leaned my head on his shoulder as he spoke.
"Yeah watching our kids while they sleep that's not weird at all ."
I laughed as I wrapped my arm around his waist. I waited a second before voicing the worry they both wanted to ignore.
"What about Calla's mind though?"
Keefe tensed before he signed resting his head on top of mine.
"I don't know Foster, I don't know. I couldn't feel to much guilt but I don't know if she was hiding her true feelings and if she was then you might have to heal her."
I let out a chocked sob as Keefe slowly lead me to our room.
I got ready for bed and hopped in my warm fluffy bed. I tried to not think about what Keefe said but it still worked it's way into my mind.
I few tears spilled down my cheeks and once the flood gates where open there was no closing them.
For a while I sat there alone then a pair of warm arms wrapped around me and I felt tears spill onto my head as Keefe held me as tight as I held him. We weren't just crying for Calla.
Alden was evil.
A goblin was dead.
And..... and.


No reason for me to say anything so

Flossy out

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