Chapter 19 (break)

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The words repeated again and again till it was the only thought in my mind, the one true thing I could think of.
But there was something so much more deeper, so much more real, the guilt was finally winning.
My brain was throbbing like million needles stabbing my head at once it was pure torture, agony.
I tried to push it away, stop it, but it was consuming me, eating me alive, this was it, I was weak enough to let the guilt take root in my mind.
I felt it way down my brain as I collapsed to the floor, felt it pushing and pushing it was seconds away from breaking through when I vaguely heard the door open.
I felt someone shake me gently but I kept mumbling to myself,
"All my fault. All my fault. All my fault."
I felt a cool green breeze but I didn't change anything.
"All my fault."
I heard my mom in my brain begging for me to fight.
"All my fault."
With that Final repetition my mind finally cracked and I fell in after I was just some weak little girl who being around not people hurt of dead.
Suddenly I was back in that room watching Heather die but it didn't stop it was and endless cycle.
Then it changed to Amy crumpled body on the ground.
Then the fallen goblin.
Then Kenric being zapped.
Then the hurt look in my family's faces as I betrayed them.
Again again and again, with a backing music of,
"It's all your fault."
It changed from me to Mom to Dad to Amy to Kenric and more and more.
Until I didn't know who they were.
I didn't know who I was.
All I know is guilt.
And pain, so much pain.
I thought my head was going to explode.
All of a sudden a women with blonde hair and brown eyes appeared.
My name is Calla.
This was my mom.
She smiled sadly.
"Ok honey your mind is broken so I'm going to heal you but you have to try not to think about the guilt."
I tried.
I really did but I couldn't, I couldn't escape the cycle.
The floor exploded beneath us and suddenly I was falling until I was back in the room with Heather dead on the floor.
"Calla." Mom came up behind me with her hands out as if trying to tame a wild animal,
"Listen to me you need to calm down. Why don't you go to a safe place?"
Suddenly we appeared in the old book shop as the smell filled my lungs, I smiled at the familiar sight.
I didn't like to read that much but sometimes I would go there just so that I could drink my coffee and take cute photos.
Mom lead me over to the round sofa in the middle as she softly took my hand.
"Well first of all I want to tell you that Amy is fine well except she's really worried about you."
"Any scars."
Mom stayed quiet.
"How many."
"Only a few and anyway it wasn't your fault."
A few wasn't any.  I felt the world around me start to crumble again but before it could a warm breeze of energy came in.
"I just gave you a mental boost." Mom explained squeezing my hand even harder. She looked at me for a second waiting for me to meet her eyes before speaking.
"I'm going to try to heal you now ok."
Back to reality.
No, it was too much.
Some how she could tell.
"Ok we don't have to yet."
As in not now but soon.
We sat there in silence for a while before I let go of her hand and wrapping my arms around myself.
"I can't do it."
"Can't do what?"
"I can't go back to the real world I can't I can't."
I started mumbling to my self.
"I can't I can't I can't I can't."
Mom seamed to realise she was losing me because she tried to calm me down but I couldn't.
Then we were back at Heathers death as I continued to mumble to myself.
I can't.

It was so sad to see my own daughter like this even if it was just in her mind.
I knew I was losing her and it dawned on me,
I can't fix her yet.
We were back in Heathers blooding death scene as Calla rocked back and forth while mumbling to herself I can't.
Then every thing cracked, I could tell it was dragging me down, and I knew if I stayed I would be able to get out so I pulled my mind out of my still broken daughter.
I looked at Kenric, Keefe and bandaged Amy, I knew Elwin was in a corner if needed.
"What happened?"
I didn't know how to tell them but some how I managed to blurt out,
"Calla wouldn't let me heal her, she's not ready, so for now she's broken."


Wow that was intenses anyway

Flossy out

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