Chapter 22( kinda healed)

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It was just another normal day, we were playing Monopoly on the floor of Calla's room as she continued staring her ceiling.
We added stars to the ceiling so if she could see she wasn't just looking at nothing,
Ugh. Calla's mind being broke has made me miss her. This was her planning wasn't it, make me miss her so when she heals herself she can be as annoying as she wasn't.
Calla was a genus.
"WHAT?!?!" Dad shouted snapping me out of my thoughts, I turned to see he had just picked up a go to jail card.
Mom laughed, "oh boo hoo looks like I'm going to win."
We heard a soft groan for the bed we all turned to see Calla what looked like waking up from a deep sleep. Like sleeping beauty but without the stupid true love kiss and all that gross stuff.
"Kenric, Amy go outside." Mom demand but Amy was having none of it.
I understood why, Amy hasn't left Callas side in weeks.
"Oh no I'm being here."
Mom seemed to realise that there was no room to protest and no time so she turned to me so I left the room because what am I meant to say to my sister.

After Kenric left I quickly turned to Calla who was looking pretty confused as she tried to sit up but Keefe gently pushed Calla back to the bed.
I quickly reached for her temples she tried to squirm away but she after a moment she seemed to realise what was happening a stopped.
In her mind it was the weirdest thing, her mind was still mostly broken but she was fully awake and aware of what was happening.
I pulled away as I gently sat down next to her taking her hand as Amy took the other one and Keefe (who was pushed to the end of the bed) put a hand on her leg.
"What happened?" Callas voice was crackly from all the weeks without use.
"Honey," I soothed trying not to overwhelm her, "your mind broke remember."
After a moment Calla nodded as Amy asked,
"And is it still broken?"
"Um," I turned to Calla before continuing, "yes but your mind is slowly piecing it's self together so it will just take time and a awesome sister who lay by your side while you were out."
Calla turned to Amy in shocked but Amy just nodded but then Calla asked a question that I didn't know to answer or not.
"And how long was I out for?"
After a moment I realised that we don't actually know what she can handle so I answered.
"It's been 2 months."
Her voice trailed off as she sat up, pulling her knees into her chest as she rocked back and forth as tears steamed down her face and she started mumbling random thing.
Ok so that was her limit, and I guess this is probably one of the thing she will do till she's healed.
"Hey." Amy said trying to calm Calla, "nothing has happened trust me well except Dad losing in Monopoly and not being happy about it."
Calla stopped looking up so she could laugh through the tears as she spoke.
"Ha yeah Dads always been a sore loser."
"His son as well." I chimed in.
There was a scoff from outside the door and we all turned as Kenric strolled in.
"I'm not a sore loser."
I waved my hands like that explained everything as I spoke, "and I rest my case, just like his father."
Kenric turned to Calla and it was so adorable to see him not know what to say but Calla spoke first wiping her nose with her sleeve.
"Hey loser."
"Hey geek."
Kenric jumped throwing his arms around Calla as she laughed, then Amy joined in, then me, then Keefe.
And suddenly it was a group hug as we all held each other.
"Now can we finish our game." Kenric interrupted.
"Yeah Calla can be with me." Amy said.
Who knew the only way to get kids to get along was to have the middle child's mind break.
Calla was too weak to stand so Keefe picked her up then gently settling her down on the floor and made it so she could lean her hand on the bottom of the bed.
And so we sat like that as Keefe lost and I won at Monopoly, when you have a young sister for the first 12 years of your life you learn to cheat but hey only I needed to know that.
After the game was finished the sun had set so we all decided to go to sleep but Amy slept in Callas bed with Calla just so that nothing happened in the night.
I was about to drift off when I heard Keefe whispered,
"Is she really as good as you said?"
"Yeah well kinda."
"What do you mean kinda?"
"She's healing herself slow and you know her little freak out I think we are going to get a lot of them and find her doing other stuff like that."
My mind flash back to her curled in a ball crying.
"How long with it take?"
"I don't know Keefe, I don't know."

I could hear Amy sound asleep on my shoulder, I was still very weak but I was awake. I mean yes my mind was still broken but that won't stop me from getting revenge on Heathers killers.
Suddenly my legs were tucked tight to my chest and Amy is beside me gently shaking me, asking if I'm ok.
"Yeah I'm fine it's nothing go back to sleep."
But Amy didn't she sat next to me holding my hand and the other hand over my shoulder waiting till I had drifted off before closing her eyes.


Hey guys so if you don't like this with the broken mind thing just say and I will get it over quick but anyway

Flossy out

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