Chapter 3(the truth)

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I had been sitting in Amy's room about an hour watching a movie, waiting for Mom and Dad to finish with the weird people and explain what's going on.
The movie had now finished and we were all looking at each other not knowing what to do, after a while I finally spoke.
"What's going on?"
"I'm sorry I can't tell you yet," Amy for the first time actually seemed to sound concerne,"as soon as Mom and Dad are finished they will explain everything."
"Wait," Kenric was looking really confused,"What's going on."
"Did you think Amy just wanted to watch a film with you? She is here to make sure we don't go downstairs and see the weird people who have a weird history with Mom and Dad."
After what I said, It all seemed to click in Kenric's brain so I wasn't surprised when he was determined to find out what is happening.
"Well we need to go down and find out what's going on Calla, Amy seems to know so we could tie her up until she tells us."
I smiled at Kenric about to agree when Amy cut in,
"Oh no none of that is going to happen you are not leaving this room," Amy stood up ready to block the door but me and Kenric where way ahead of her. Then the weirdest thing happened, I couldn't move. It only lasted a second but it was still scary and when I looked to Kenric it looked like the same thing happened to him but when I turned to Amy she looked. Concentrated.Then I realised,
"You just did that," it wasn't a question but I still wanted a answer and when she stayed silent I just couldn't,
Amy looked stunned at my outburst,
"Calla what did you over hear."
"There was a man at the door called Fitz who talked about Mom and Dad running away 20 years ago from some where called the lost cities I think and that some people called the Neverseen were back."
I didn't know what to do. Do I got confront them down stairs? Do I stay here? I didn't need to answer because after a few minutes there was a knock on the Amy's room door and Mom and Dad walked in.
"Hey," Mom's voice was careful like she didn't want me to lash out again and to be honest I didn't have the energy,"so I think we have a bit of explaining."
I scoffed, more than a bit.
"Yeah but also Amy still has to explain what that weird control thing was." Kenric glared at Amy while Amy flushed, nodding when Mom and Dad looked to her.
"Ok," Dad waited for everyone to sit down on the bed before taking Mom's hand and finally continuing,"there's no easy way to say this but. Um. None of us are human we are elves you are elves."
He went on to explain everything about the lost cities and elves and everything els. They told us how Mom was something called project Moolark and Dad called himself legacy boy. They told us that the Neverseen was a group that was trying to kill Mom, Dad and there friends and our grandmother/ Dad's Mom was the leader. They told us how after they thought they defeated the Neverseen they gave them a note saying that they had to move to the forbidden cities and not tell anyone why. They told us that the people that were chasing me was Mom's old friend and they didn't mean any harm. It was all a lot I mean on one hand: how could they lie to hold and not tell me she wasn't human but on the other hand I do understand why they couldn't tell us. Kenric looked just as shocked as me so I scooted over to him and took his hand, when I did he didn't flinch he just squeezed my hand as hard as I was squeezing his. After they had finished they all sat in silent for a minute before Dad spoke.
"The people are down stairs and they would like to see you but only if you will be willing."
After me and Kenric shared a look we both agreed but before we went down I had to ask,
"Will we have to move to the lost cities."
Mom and Dad both looked at each other and after a few minutes of silence Mom finally spoke,
"We don't know, they thought we wanted to run away so they never planned for this so right now anything is possible so who knows."
She sounded like she was telling the truth but the look she shared with Amy and Dad but it hard to believe.
I didn't want to move I loved my friends and my house and my school and I didn't want it to change. Amy hadn't talked the whole time but all she said was,
"So do you want to meet all of our parents secret elf friends or are we just going to sit here awkwardly."
Which at least made my laugh so after one more second I stood up and offered a hand to Kenric in a very dramatic way so I was surprised when he took it but I kinda wanted him to. I didn't want to do this alone I wanted to do it with someone who also only found out about 20 minutes ago but I still also took Amy's hand and we walked down together.
When they got down stairs they found 9 people waiting and they all looked I don't know. Kinda scared, kinda excited, kinda confused. One after the other they introduced themselves, Mom's and Dad's friends were called Marella, Dex, Linh, Wylie and Fitz who I had already met and apparently there was also a Biana and Tam but the Neverseen attacked them so they couldn't come. Then there was one of Mom's creator called Mr Forkle and next was Mom's adopted parents called Grady and Edaline. They all seamed really nice but there was something off about them they all seem like they were hiding stuff. Of course they were, no one is ever honest with me all people do to me is lie and lie and lie and I had enough but before I could call them Fitz gasp, he had been staring at me for a minute but now he looked really concerned. Everyone turned to him waiting for him to answer it he just looked at me and said.
"Calla," he paused for a second before saying, "your English teacher is part of the Neverseen."

Dun dun duuunnn oohhh well that was really fun to write so I hope you enjoy it and have a good day so yeah

Flossy out

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