Chapter 6(lady Gisela)

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Everything was silent, as the dust parted I saw what I did. Everyone was frozen, eyes wide and limbs stiff I didn't know what to do. Then another word filled my mind and it seemed to be the one to undo this. So without a second thought I shouted.
Somehow it worked and after a moment of them just stunned about what ever I just did then the Neverseen and Mr Ondsinn disappeared in a flash of light. After a second I remembered but Mom and Dad had said, it was light leaping. Biana tried to stop them but knowing she couldn't she looked at me for a second before she put on a tight smile and saying.
"Well, well done for manifesting and looks like you got your Dad's ability."
"What do we do now."
"Now we get your brother and sister and go to your house and discuss what we are going to do from here." She held out a hand probably seeing how I was lightly shaking. After a second, took it and together we walked to Kenric and Amy's lesson as Biana pretended to be a teacher saying there was an emergency and she then took them home and told everyone about what just happened.
"What are we going to do."
They said after Biana had finished updating everyone, there was no big shock but they did all gasp when they found out I had Dad's ability. All the people from Before were here except now there was someone called Tam and someone called Tiergan.I was stood in a corner holding Kenric and Amy's hands, Kenric's hand was freezing but when I asked him about it he touched Amy and Amy said they were actually really hot.
"I will tell you what we are going to do," Fitz said standing up, "you guys are coming back to the lost cities and we will make sure you have bodyguards in case the Neverseen seen attacks and figure out where we go from there."
"WHAT!" Me, Kenric and Amy shouted in unison. I was not leaving no matter what I could never leave Heather. Never. Ever.
"This should come as no surprise you must have realised we were going to move you at some point this just sped up the time line."
"When will we have to move?" Mom asked looking at her three kids.
"It's early in the day so probably by this evening."
"What?" This time only I spoke because it was too soon I needed to see Heather, tell her what's going on. I couldn't leave her, I promise I would never leave her. My eyes burned and Mom seemed to notice she rushed to my side taking my hands and looking me in the eyes.
"Honey, I'm sorry that you have to leave your friends but we need to get out of here before they come back and try to hurt one of us. I know you don't understand now but-"
I cut her off before she could finish furious.
"No you don't understand I can't leave this place I can't leave my friends I can't leave-"
I stopped my self before I said Heather, I didn't know what to do so I ran out the door to the near by park as Mom and Dad shouted my name from the door.
After I was there I didn't know what do to so I went to the nearest tree sinking down to the ground leaning against the bark as the tears hit. I didn't know how long I sat there crying, but after a while someone tapped my shoulder. When I looked up I saw a beautiful women with blonde hair and ice blue eyes, she looked familia but I didn't know how.
"Why are you crying?" She sounding nice so as she plopped beside me I told her everything.
Well not everything, I told her I had to move away and leave my girlfriend behind because my parents didn't know.
"Well I can help with that Calla Foster."
I looked up confused,
"How do you know my name?"
"I know many things."
"And that means?"
"I believe my son has told you about me."
I continued looking at her until it clicked.
I gasped, "your lady Gisela my grandmother."
She smiled while I began to stand.
"Wait! Just hear me out ok."
"And why should I do that?"
"Because I can make it so you can stay with Heather, even stay at the school and all you have to do is help me out."
After a moment I sat back down.
"I'm listening."
Lady Gisela smiled at me.
"I see your the smart child, anyway so you would have a little apartment that the Neverseen owns that's only a block away from your school and you could basically do whatever you want. Have friends over, do some romantic stuff with Heather and you would help me."
"What do you need my help for?"
"I heard you manifesting the ability I gave to my son so that mean his legacy gets past on to someone much smarter than he was. Now this is a weird question but your young brother hasn't manifested yet right," after I shook my head she continued, "when you touched him did it feel weird in any way."
I stared at her for a second before realising I had.
"Well when I held his hand it felt really cold for some reason but when Amy touched him he was actually kinda hot."
Lady Gisela looked so happy about that.
"Well first of all, your brother is going to be a froster and second this is really good you have both of the ability's your father has now all we need to do is find a way to trigger Empathy."
"You having the abilities you do mean it's in there somewhere we just need the right trigger but we can discuss the later."
She held out a hand to me.
"Well do we have a deal?"
I looked to the park gates where I saw Mom looking for me then I thought of Heather, her beautiful green eyes and the way her huge glasses rested on her small nose. I could never leave Heather but I had one more question.
"Will this benefit both the forbidden and lost cities."
"Yes and if you cooperate it's a guarantee that we won't hurt you or your girlfriend."
After one more look back at my Mom who had just spotted me, I took Lady Gisela and shook it. She smiled at me as she leaped me away. I didn't dare look back at Mom's face but from the corner of my eye I could have sworn I saw her look of pain as I shook lady Gisela hand but I had no time to think about that. I was going to stay here and be me not the person Mom and Dad wanted me to be and I was sick of pretending I was.

Ooohhh anyway how is everyone are you having a good day or evening or morning or whatever it is and I will try and get the next chapter out as soon as possible so I don't have to leave you in suspense for too long. 

Flossy out

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