Chapter 10 (the final breath)

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Flicking through Instagram I realised Amy's account had been deleted, of course I thought of course they would make her give up one of Amy's favourite things to do.
It had been an week after they had been to Havenfield and I was getting a weird feeling in my stomach. Guilt. But why, they deserved it all after everything. What was everything? Mom and Dad had lied to me. Only because they had been forced to a voice said in the back of my mind. The guilt was becoming all consuming. I was so caught up in the guilt it took me a minute to see the text messages pop up on my screen. From Amy.

Hey I miss you and I know you think the Neverseen is the good side but it isn't they have killed. I found out today you were named after a gnome who sacrificed there life to save her species because the Neverseen started a plague. Kenric was named after and old counsellor who died because one of the Neverseen members set a building on fire.

My eyes filled with tears as I quickly pressed the call button putting the phone to my ear. After a moment Amy picked up before she could say all my emotions bubble up as I cried.
"I'm so sorry the guilt has been killing me I love you and I miss you so much it's just I also love Heather and I can't imagine a life without her but now if I leave they will probably hurt her and-and I just don't want to leave anyone!"
"Oh Calla," Amy voice was soft and comforting, "it's ok."
"How?" I asked trying to calm down.
"Because that wasn't you that was just what the Neverseen made you think you are. Listen to me Calla you can choose what you wanna be nobody els but you can decide that."
"I probably can't come back can I?"
"Why wouldn't you be able to come back?"
"I bet everyone hates me now."
"No one hate you not even the weird Council people. Listen they get it the Neverseen has a way to make what they say sound logical. In reality they want to get ride of humans and they all hate humans, is that really who you want to be with."
"No." I said simply.
"Where are you."
After I told her my location she was about to come and find me when a voice spoke in the doorway.
"Well then we have a problem don't we?"
It was Lady Gisela.
"Who was that?" Amy quite voice came out of the speakers.
Without Gisela realising I turned it to video call so Amy could see what was happening and she got the hint and muted herself.
"If your not happy with our organisation I'm afraid I have to go back on my side of the deal."
From behind her she pulled a girl with blonde hair with a gag pressed under her glasses.
"NO!" I screamed as Lady Gisela put a knife against Heathers throat and at the same time removing the gag.
"Calla." She spoke with fear clouding her beautiful green eyes, "what is happening?"
"It's going to be ok." I reassured her turning to Lady Gisela. "Whatever you want from me I will do it just don't hurt her."
"Oh I'm afraid it's to late for that," Lady Gisela purred with a wicked grin like a spider with a trapped fly, "and now I must go back on my side."
I know what she was going to do, I lunged to stop her but it was to late. Lady Gisela moved the knife from Heathers neck and stabbed it into her heart as Heather crumpled to the floor screaming in agony.
Lady Gisela didn't hesitate a second before leaping away giving one more smile that said this is only the beginning of what I'm going to do. But I wasn't focusing on her, my attention was drawn to my dying girlfriend on the floor laying in a pile of her own blood.
I ran up to her with a cry picking Heather up in my arms and rocking her back and fourth.
"NO!" I begged, "please Heather just stay with me just please don't leave."
Heather was cold in my arms, her breathing was ragged and even though I didn't want to admit it I knew she wasn't going to make it. Heather locked eyes with me taking me hand and whispering.
"I love you Calla and I will always love you. Forever and always."
"Forever and always." I replied as she pressed something into my hand. I looked down to see a pendant with a locket, when I opened it, it was a picture of the two of us snuggled up against one another. I slid it over my head and I adjusted my hold on Heather who was getting colder bye the minute and was breathing less and less the pain in her eyes replaced with something else. Acceptance. She knew she was going to die and it broke my heart into a million pieces and I knew it would never truly heal.
She looked me straight in the eye and siad.
"Just promise me one thing ok?"
"Yes of course anything."
"You give um Hell all the bad people who did this make then pay for everything and don't work for then ok?"
"Don't worry I will make sure all of them get revenge anyone who works with her I will make them all play."
She gave me one last smile until she went completely still.


OMG YOU GUYS!!! That was so sad to write. I had to do it on a bus back from this place I went with my friends so I hope it's ok and I will kinda see you tomorrow for the next chapter and anyways now that I have nothing els to say except I'll see ya'll later

Flossy out

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