Chapter 34(the start of the end)

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I had just come back from school, getting changed out of my stuffy uniform until I saw it, a note sealed with the sign of the Neverseen.
I quickly looked around before opening the carefully write scroll:

I have been getting tried of your old silly games so now it's time to fight, there is a leaping crystal in this note, meet me there at dawn in 3 days, you bring your army and I will bring mine.
Oh and if you don't well let's just say there's a grave with Callas name on it,
-Lady Gisela

I quickly ran down stairs where Mom and Dad were having a cup of tea,
"Every thing ok Amy?"
I shook my head putting the note and the crystal on the table, they immediately asked the simple questions where did you get this and stuff but I asked the more important questions.
"What are we going to do?"
Mom sighed, "I don't know I will go get us a meeting with everyone and we can discuss from there."
"Are you kidding," Dad said after a moment, "we are going."
"Yeah they said they will hurt Calla." I chimed in.
Mom sighed picking up her imparter and walking out but she did look straight at me and said, "oh can you please tell Calla this not the death threat part but yeah and tell Kenric first but of course tell him the full thing."
I went up stairs and knocked on Kenric door, when I came in he was on call to Eclipse, he saw the look on my face and quickly hung up and turned to me.
"Hey what's up?"
"Well I found a note in my room from the Neverseen," I sat down on the edge of the bed, "and it said unless we go to war with them they will kill Calla."
Kenric gasped and stood up to pace then I continued,
"So there is going to be a meeting where they figure out everything and they left me and you to go tell Calla, except from the fact that the only reason we are doing is to keep her alive."
"Great." Kenric groaned unenthusiastically.
We both got up and walk up  to find her reading a book in her normal sports bra and joggers with her headphones over her half up half down braid.
I tapped on her shoulder and she looked up, she took of her headphones, placing down her book and gave us a confused look,
"What's up?"
We sat down next to her and the confusion turned to stress, me and Kenric glanced at each other before I started.
"So there's was a note in my room from the Neverseen."
Callas knees went to her chest but she managed not to break,
"What do they want?"
"Um well...............war, and the only reason they agreed was because they threaten to kill some one."
And then Calla was having a full on incident, we helped her through it and then she was back to staring at the walls.
We sat next to her for a while until she zoned back into the conversation, she seemed ok just a little shaky.
"Hey there how you doing?"
"Eh you know the normal."
We knew it wasn't "the normal" so we sat next to her and watched a movie.
Once the movie had finished Calla had stressed out so much when she finally calmed she fell straight asleep.
I laid her gently down and me and Kenric left closing the door behind him, when we went down stairs we saw Mom and Dad both pacing.
"How is she?"
"She's fine she did the things where she over stressed so when she calmed down she falls right asleep."
They nodded so Kenric asked,
"So what about the meeting?"
"Well we manly just talked about the battle preparation and you guys are going to stay here with Calla and a lot of guards."
I was just about to protest but Dad shot me a stern glare so I decided to drop it, and anyway it would be good to keep an eye on Calla.
And so the day came and pasted.
3 days.
2 days.
1 day.
All of a sudden all the adults and goblins were covered in weapons and all that stuff and me Kenric and Calla were sitting on the sofa watching them, Mom and Dad gave each of us a bone crushing hug before leaving.
We sat in complete silence for about 10 minutes, we didn't know what to do, there was a lot of guards here because they were keeping all the children at Moonjade.
Kenric moved to go sit with Eclipse while the other kids seemed to already know each other, me and Calla sat there for a bit before Calla couldn't handle all the people so me and her left for her room.
She put on her headphones so she couldn't hear the muffled talk down stairs, I put on the subtitles on the movie I was watching so that Calla could focus on it without having to hear it.
We had gone through quite a few films by now but all we watched was the really childish Disney films (A/N you know all the princess films probably frozen) and everything was fine until I heard a bang and screams.
I turned to Calla who (cause of the headphones) didn't notice, I tapped her on the shoulder making her remove the big speakers from her head.
"Hey I just heard a-"
Before I could finish I herd it again, Calla tensed up as I rushed and locked the door, I ran back to Calla who looked calmer than last time because she was getting better at control but was still freaking out.
I heard a knock at the door so I quickly put my hand over Callas mouth as the tears poured out onto my hand, but the knocking didn't stop.
I tried to stay calm but in my head I was screaming,
They've come to kill her
They've come to kill her.
Suddenly the door bust open and a gust of wind flew me up and for a moment I was weightless then I was slamming into the wall, before the world went black I saw Lady Gisela jump on Calla holding a knife.


Sorry for the cliffhanger but I couldn't help myself

Flossy out

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