Chapter 30(snow day)

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Today was the best, since our house was still covered in snow Mom had declared it a snow day but I think she was just happy Calla was back to her old self and wanted a family day.
I loved it we just sat and watched movies played with the snow ate food, we even had a competition to see you could back the best mallomelt and had the gnomes that lived here judge.
Calla won because she had always cooked when we lived in the forbidden cities and to be honest hers were the best.
And with Calla it was so good to see her back to her old self.
We had stupidly eaten all the 5 trays of mallowmelt and now felt so ill, we all lay on the sofas because we couldn't move without feeling sick but in a good way.
I sighed, "this was fun."
Every one agreed so Kenric came up with the best idea,
"Oh yeah you know I don't think me and Amy should go to school anymore."
Calla laughed,
"Ha hell no guess I just have to have all the fun without you."
After a while the sun set and Calla dozed off, Kenric was going to take a photo but Mom stopped him.
"No you will not be teasing your sister about this later just let her sleep she really need some."
"She does and it's so nice to see her back to her old self." Everyone agreed with me and we all turned to Calla in all her adorableness until Dad pointed out,
"Um you know this is kinda turning into creepy."
We laughed as Dad walked over picked out Calla who was still sound asleep so he could take her to her room so she could rest and recharge.

I woke up in my bed with my blanket wrapped tightly around my legs just how I liked it, I clapped my hands and I was surprised when the sun was high in the sky.
How long was I asleep?
"Hey there sleepy head." I turned to see Mom at the door holding a plate of food, I sat up as she set it down on my bedside table so Mom could sit next to me on the bed.
"How long was I asleep?"
"Amy and Kenric went to school an hour ago."
"I know I guess when you were out you were out, you just drifted off and since you haven't been sleeping well and it's a good thing your body needs sleep."
"I guess." I shrugged.
Dad laughed coming in the room,
"You are just like your mother you know? You won't sleep for a long time then you'll just sleep the day away."
I nodded.
They left me then, I leaned back in my pillows staring at the stars for a few seconds (just to get my boundaries) then I got up and got ready for another day but this time I decided not to let my mind control me.
So instead of spending all day stressing I picked up my phone and after a bit of searching I finally found my headphones so I put on some music and just sat there feeling completely free.
And so life went on but better. I stopped isolating myself and just started having fun living my life and this time nothing was going to stop me certainly not a broken mind.
My incidents still came 1-3 times a day but my body had started to give me hints when I was about to have one, so that meant me and Amy started playing with Eclipse and Kenric and I would just walk out with Amy if I felt one coming.
I couldn't tell if Eclipse was suspicious by my sudden disappearances during a game or dinner but if she was she didn't ask about it.
Every was find till a reminder popped up on my phone.

Heathers birthday

And just like that I was rocking back and forth crying and mumbling. I didn't know I was mumbling but I could feel words leave my mouth, I didn't know what they were or why I was even but I wasn't focused on that.
Me and Heather had planned out the most epic party for her but now she couldn't enjoy it because she was, I tried to stop it there but my brain added-
I think someone walked in my room because I heard a gasped and someone shout something but I was to focused on Heather.
Green eyes.
Blonde hair.
Big glasses.
I was completely focused on Heather so I had no idea what was going on around me, it took me a moment to realise someone was hugging me whispering in my ear.

I was chilling in my room when I heard a soft-cry maybe then I realised.
She must be having an incident, I raced to her room shocked at how bad it was, she had been fine this morning normally when it's really bad something triggers it.
I run up to her hugging her seeing if I needed Mom then I saw it, a  notification on her phone, this is what triggered it, tomorrow was Heathers birthday.
I hear a gasp from the door and turn to see Kenric and Eclipse,
"Kenric go get Mom." I demanded still holding Calla trying to calm her down.
Kenric quickly turned to Eclipse.
"Can you please go."
"What's wrong with her?"
"Please I can explain everything later I promise."
"I'll hail you as soon as I can."
As soon as Eclipse Kenric raced away.
I held Calla tighter as she seemed to get worse,
"Hey hey sshh it's ok if you need look at the stars just try and calm down for me."
I know what happened when she had an incident, it was her mind breaking even more, but she didn't and I couldn't tell Calla for all she knows lately her mind is staying the same even though it isn't.
Mom raced in with Dad hot ok her heals, they saw how bad it was so they asked me if something triggered it and I just showed them the phone and they knew.
After what felt like forever Calla kinda went numb as Dad put it she just kinda stilled and I leaned her down on her pillows so that she could stare at the stars.
"So there is no way me and Amy are going to school tomorrow." Kenric said after a moment.
Mom was about to protest but she seemed to realise there would be no stopping us so she just nodded.
Mom checked Callas mind and Calla seemed to be in a kinda trance, she wasn't picking up anything around her it was kinda like a unrestful sleep.
No one wanted to leave her side in case Calla regained consciousness so we all got more blankets that had been kicked off the bed so everyone could have one and Calla could still have it the way she liked it.
I have become a pro and making it how Calla liked it, she liked it tucked really tight around the legs but not the upper half.
Every one sat in silence glancing at Calla as we all thought about how Calla would act and let it affect her.


Flossy out

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