Chapter 2(remember)

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I woke up from a dreamless sleep all snuggled up in bed but when I thought about it I couldn't remember the events of the yesterday afternoon. What was I doing? The last thing I remember was scrolling through me phone with Kenric and Amy. Maybe I had fallen asleep and they had carried me to my room. Not thinking much of it I got changed and went down stairs where I found Mom and Dad sitting at the table. Kenric and Amy where still asleep because it was summer holiday but I never was one to sleep that much. They both looked up from their phones and after a second of looking kinda concerned then they quickly changed to tiered smiles.
"Morning honey," Mom said patting the seat next to her continuing once I sat down," how did you sleep?"
"Good, did I fall asleep on the sofa I can't remember anything after it."
Both of them shared a look before agreeing but in a very suspicious way. They saw I wasn't pleased so they changed the subject.
"So, what are you planning on doing today," Dad quickly jumped in.
"Well me and my friends are going to hang out at the park and," before I could finish Kenric came down the stairs and finished it for me.
"Do your weird theatre kid stuff plus those dances."
"Oh you have nothing to say what are you doing wait let me guess you are going to go with your friends and re-enact those really old film you like."
After a few seconds of glaring at each other we both continued with what we where doing.
"And let me guess Amy will be in her room all day yet again," I muttered under my breath.
Kenric and Dad laughed until Mom playfully slapped him them they tried to make serious faces but not selling in the slightest which did make Mom laugh though.
My phone buzzed and when I picked it up I saw a text from my friend Lily saying that they were going out at 10 and that she would pick me up at 9:50 and we would walk over, thank good I lived close to the park so I had time to get ready. I looked at the time and almost cursed 9:30 so I quickly took a granola bar and ran to my room to quickly get change
"Ok," Evie said as she connected her speaker to her phone. I was at the park with my theatre friends (Evie, Lily, Layla, Jess and Libby) where we were going to re-enact songs from our favourite musicals.
After a few moments a song started to play and every one claimed there role and then we laughed our way through a song. We had been at it for about half an hour, when I had the prickly feeling someone was watching me. When I turned around I locked eyes with a pair of beautiful teal ones and when I saw the man they belonged to a memory resurfaced. Suddenly I remember everything him coming to the door. What was his name? Fitz, yeah that's it and he knew Mom and Dad. Oh yeah and they had run away from some place called the lost cities. I stumbled back into some ones arms.
"Oh sorry," I apologise looking up to see Libby was the one who caught me.
"It's fine," Libby smiled and pulled me up," so was there a reason you just fell backwards or is it jus calla being her clumsy self."
I smiled,"oh just me being me anyway I got to go home now sorry I have a family thing."
"Oh ok," Layla said with a raised eyebrows clearly not buying it,"and this isn't your way of ditching us."
Even though it kinda was I just picked up my bag and laughed,
"No I wish."
After that every one just told me to leave but in a funny pretend mad way. As soon as I was out of view I ran not knowing what had happened or what to do but when I looked behind my shoulder I could see Fitz and a few other people trying to chase after me. Not knowing what to do I just ran straight home it was only about 3 minutes when I ran at full speed and as soon as I got in I leaned my back against the door and sank to the floor.
"Home already,"Mom asked appearing in the hall," how was...," her voice trailed off as she saw my expression.
"What's wrong Calla?" She asked sounding concerned.
"I remember what happened yesterday afternoon," Mom's eyes widened.
"I saw the guy, Fitz, he was with a few other people while I was at the park and it all triggered and when I tried to run away because I was scared they chased me," the more I spoke the more concerned Mom looked, after I finished she went to the window and when she looked out she cursed before yelling,
"KEEFE! They have found us," within seconds Dad was rushing down the stairs and when he was next to Mom he froze to. After a few seconds Dad shouted up the stairs,
"AMY! The people are here so take Calla and Kenric to your room and I don't know watch tv."
"UGH FINE!," she called back," Calla, Kenric come watch this show with me."
"No," I kinda did want to get and let the grown ups deal with it but I was really worried now,"what's going on?"
"Hey," Dad voice was soft as if trying to calm me down but I just couldn't.
"NO," I shouted,"Don't hey me you are telling me what is happening now."
Mom looked shocked at my out burst but after looking out the window again she had probably decided that shouting at me wasn't the best thing to do right now so she took a deep breath and continued to calm me down.
"Honey it's going to be fine and I will explain everything later I just don't want you to see this."
I was about to continue screaming at her because how dare she tell me to calm down but then I saw the look in her eyes she looked, scared. Really scared. So I decided to just nod and walk up to Amy room just as the door rang but Mom was probably right I wouldn't want to see. Well whatever was going to.

Hey so I had a lot of fun and the theatre kid stuff is what I do with my friends (I don't really know what normal people do) but yeah there's still nothing really to say so
Flossy out

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