Chapter 21 (almost there)

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I was just sitting next to Calla like always, after Mom said that Calla was slowly healing her own mind I didn't leave her side.
I was always there holding her hand and talking to her about everything, I didn't know if she could hear but it felt nice talking to her. I had been talking to her for a whole week.
I was telling her how much I missed her and how much every one els did, I told her about the movies I watched on the computer.
I was in the middle on taking about a romcom
when I heard in the softest voice ever as the hand tightened around mine.
I turned quickly, she was still laying on her bed staring at the ceiling but she looked more aware of her surroundings.
I sat up squeezing her hand tighter as I spoke.
"Yes Calla it's me I'm here squeeze my hand if you can hear me."
After a few more minutes I felt her hand tighten again.
I quickly shouted for Mom and Dad, after a moment Mom came rushing in.
"What?! Is Calla ok?!"
After a second Mom looked at the way Calla was actually holding my hand and then the way Calla didn't just look blankly, she just looked like she was day dreaming.
And then Calla did it again, me and Mom both gasped as Calla whispered,
Then her gaze went back to staring blankly at the ceiling.
"What happened?" Mom said smiling as she made her way to Calla's other side.
"I don't know I was just talking to her then she said my name and held my hand."
Mom gasped as she quickly pressed her fingers smiling about whatever she saw.
"What did you see in her mind?"
"It seems like she is healing herself quicker than expected."

Being trapped in madness for who knows how long was hard.
Very very hard.
It was non stop guilt, an endless cycle, I was constantly falling, falling down.
I tried so hard to fight it.
But I couldn't.
Not until I heard it.
A voice.
Amy's voice.
She wasn't saying any in particular, Amy was just rambling on about movies.
Was this reality, I wanted this, I tried to pull myself to the surface, go back with my family, but I couldn't.
I also felt some one holding my hands, it must be Amy, after a few more minutes of trying I finally managed to squeeze the hand. And whispered her name hoping she would hear me.
I heard a gasp, the grip on mine tightened as Amy's voice became desperate.
"Yes Calla, it's me, I'm here, squeeze my hand if you can hear me."
After another few minutes I managed another squeeze.
I was losing my tiny hold on reality I managed to breath out one more Amy before sinking back into the madness.
But it was nice to know that Amy was there, waiting for me to come back, and I would come back. Then we could be a happy (kinda) normal family, I just have to fix myself.
I would always try and keep myself calm, it would always end in me back in Heathers death bed/floor.
Sometimes I would manage to pull myself back to reality for a few seconds and when I did Amy would always be there.
Either with Mom.
Or Kenric.
Or the whole family.
But it Amy would always be there, I was glad to know she was ok, well apparently she had a few scars but you can't see them.
For what I could hear nothing had changed and that all they did was watch movies and play bored games.
Quite a lot of the time I could hear a movie playing in the background like maybe Amy thought I could watch it with her.
Amy talked to me a lot more about stuff because she knew I could kinda hear her, and it was nice to have some sister time.
I would heal myself, for Amy, for Kenric, for Mom and Dad.
I couldn't tell how much time was passing, it could have been days, weeks, maybe months, no not months.
Wait how long had it been? Was it months? That sent me spiralling down, down, back to Heather. Why? Why am I so weak? One tiny thing sends me into a state of panics and guilt, why, why did it have to be like this.
I tried to calm myself down, leave this room, but I couldn't, how long had it been since my mind broke from the guilt.
I heard a soft voice so I focused on it,
"Oh Calla, they say your broken but your not your just lost and lost can always been found."
Suddenly I could feel her grip on my hand,
"I miss you so much, it's been so hard, every day just laying here talking to you and I don't even know if you can hear me."
I needed to show her I could hear her so I managed to squeeze her hand.
I heard a sniffle, Amy was crying, then she laughed,
"Thanks for the hand squeeze it means a lot but you know I just want to talk to you and have you talk back and not have you be."
She burst into tears and it broke my heart to know I couldn't comfort her, all I could do was squeeze her dumb hand.
I felt her kiss me forehead and her curl up beside me still crying but after awhile her tears stopped and I think she must have fallen asleep because I felt her head on my shoulder and I heard her soft breathing.
I focused on what Amy said your not broken your lost and lost can always be found and I would find myself again.
After a few more second I pulled myself to reality so I could rest my head onto of hers and for that one second I was me again. But soon enough the madness pulled me under again, this time I went happy in the knowledge that my sister was there with me.


Just to be clear she doesn't go back to being fully healed when Calla goes back to reality she's kinda in a in between space for a few moments before the guilt pulls her under again anyway

Flossy out

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