Chapter 8(one amazing night)

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When I went over to my huge bed, sitting down as I looked at the box. It was all black but after a moment white words appeared on top, I closed my eyes waiting for the words to become true in my mind before say them.
"I will do everything in my power to make the world the best it can be."
As as soon as I said it the box opened to reveal a armband with the Neverseen logo on it and I note.
I'm glad you picked the right side and I hope you won't change your mind.
I looked at it kinda confused, what did it mean change my mind? I wasn't going to leave this I mean they seemed to care about me a lot and cared about what I wanted unlike my selfish parents.
I was hungry so I went to the kitchen to find a pantry full of all different foods. It was late so I got some microwave rice if the shelf and after it was finished went outside in my small back yard with a porch swing and a shed that would be perfect for having friends in. It had soft carpet, baby blue walls, bean bags scattered everywhere and a tv on one of the walls. This was by far the best house EVER.
After I had finished dinner I put on my new cosy pyjamas and went to bed happy that I was on the right side of history.
My alarm woke me up with it's annoying noises, reluctantly she got out of bed, showering and getting ready for another day at school not having to worry about breakfast.
I texted Heather the night before seeing if she wanted to walk to school with me because she lived near my new house. Heather of course immediately agreed said she would come by early to see my new house.
"Oh my gosh," Heather squealed running around the house, "this place is awesome!"
Surprisingly she didn't ask how I got my own house, she just looked around getting more and more happy.
After about 15 minutes of hearing Heathers screams and raced from room to room taking in the place, Heather was finally ready to leave. So we put our shoes on and raced out the door realising the time, surprisingly we made it to school just in time as they both laughed there way lesson to lesson. The day pasted by in a blur, all I could focus on was Heathers laughter and smile feeling safe in the knowledge that I didn't have to leave this beautiful angel.
After school I asked her if she wanted to come over, Heather immediately agreed as they ran down the hill next to school and charged into my house dropping our bags at the door.
That was the most fun I had ever had in my whole life, when we first got in we had decided to make brownies but we left them in to long so they were burnt but we still cut out the middle and eat it since it was the least raw part. We ordered pizza with my new credit card that the Neverseen had given her, it had more than enough money to last 3 lifetimes.
Once it had arrived we sat on the swing outside and eat it while laughing for no reason. Heather was one of those people that just seeing her made me laugh for no reason in particular, only because she was pure joy.
We were still sitting on the swing her head rested on my shoulder and mine on top of her head.
The sun was setting but nether of us wanted to leave that peaceful moment, the radio played softly in the background and after a while me and Heathers favourite song played we both jumped up doing out weird dance we created. After that song a soft calming song played and she grabbed me head leaning it against her, I wrapped my arms around her waist, feeling more at home than I ever had in my whole life.
Heather looked at me with her beautiful green eyes and they both leaned in to each other having one of there most passionate kisses ever. They had never really had that many kisses since they weren't telling anybody, but Heather did say whenever I was ready they would tell everybody and in that kiss while holding her I knew. I wanted everyone to knew because I was so proud of who I was in that moment I didn't want to change it for the world so we broke apart as I stared in her eyes I knew so my voice didn't shake as I whispered.
"I want to tell everyone."
"About us?"
She looked shocked but also happy
"What made you change your mind?"
She said slightly confused.
"Standing here with you I realised you are one of the parts about me that I'm most proud of and I want the world to know it sorry for not realising sooner."
"Oh Calla." Pure hot blossomed in her eyes as she leaned in and kissed her again.
"I have never loved anyone as much as I love you."
"Me either."
They stood there in each other's embrace for who know how long, but it didn't matter, nothing mattered, except the way Heather's arms were wrapped around my neck the same way mine were around her waist. After a while Heathers phone buzzed and when she checked to answer it she cursed.
"Sorry that's my Mom I got to go now before she kills me."
"Ok but remember any time you wanna come
over my door is always open no matter what time it is."
"Ok and," she turned to look me straight in the eye, "I'm going to tell my parents tomorrow."
I was stunned, Heathers parents were very religious and to the book so Heather was always scared of them finding out but she smiled at me.
"Really I love you with so much of my heart that there's nothing left to protest and I don't want to pretend I don't we can kiss tomorrow at school for the world to see and after that I will go home and tell them and hope they accept me. Anyway bye love you."
"Love you too."
Heather left a few minutes ago so I was surprised when I saw lady Gisela open the door with a wide smile on her face.
"Ok Calla time for your first task."

Wow anyway my favourite part about writing this is seeing me views go up even if it isn't that many it really makes me feel happy anyway

Flossy out

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