Chapter 28(a huge incident)

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Ugh life has become so boring, like I would go to school come home eat food sit with Calla go to bed repeat.
Eclipse had been coming round more and more because Calla would normally have a incident at school hours so it was fine after school, Eclipse just didn't come on weekends.
Calla didn't seem to change though, sometimes me or me and Kenric would have to skip school to take care of Calla or we just refused to go but that was normally when Calla had an incident in the night or before we left for school.
It was sad to see Calla so not Calla pretty much whenever Calla was having a good day Eclipse would come round but quite a lot of the time Kenric would have to tell her no.
School was hard, really hard, I meant to know all theses thing because of my age but I don't because I grow up in the forbidden cities.
For Kenric it was easier I mean he was the same age as Mom when she started and he had so many friends while I have none.
I eat alone, sometimes I would be to worried about Calla to eat so I would just walk the halls until the bell went like today.
I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't see the person till I bashed into them.
"Sorry." I apologised when I saw the man was the principal Master Leto. He smiled,
"Trust me it was nothing Amy."
I frowned confused on how he knew my name, but then I remembered that he was really Mr Forkle who was a weird dude who looked like a big raisin but he worked for the black swan.
"So how is Calla doing?"
I shrugged not knowing how much to tell him but I decided to be honest.
"Eh sometimes she's good but them quite a lot of the time she's not and that's made it hard to go to school because she could need me when I'm out and I don't want her to hurt herself."
"Yes I have seen you and Kenric have taken quite a few days of school but that's ok I get you might need to help her in theses hard times but try to catch up on what you miss."
"Yeah I do most of the time well except when it's really bad then it's all hands on deck."
"And how have you been dealing with it all."
"I have been fine," he looked at me for a moment like he could see right through me, "fine it's been pretty hard seeing her so not her and just laying next to her as she struggles."
He nodded as the bell went, we said a quick goodbye as I rushed to my next lesson.
After school Eclipse came with us since Mom said it was fine so I went to my room after checking on Calla (she was staring at the ceiling as normal) and Kenric and Eclipse went of to do who knows what.

My search for what was up with Calla was still on, whenever I went to there house weird things would always be happening to her. Sometimes she wouldn't come down for dinner and when she didn't Any was never there as well and so many other small weird things.
We were walking to Kenric's room when I saw Callas door was open and as we walked by I saw Calla staring at the ceiling, she wasn't doing anything just looking at nothing.
I nudged Kenric pointing to Calla.
"Is she ok?"
"Oh yeah she's fine don't worry come on there is something I wanna show you something."
Yes I went with him and played with all his things. It had been around an hour when we heard a loud scream.
I jumped to my feet going to go to see if everything was ok but Keefe popped his head through the window.
"Hey oh Eclipse could you go home?"
"Is Calla ok?"
"Oh yeah she's fine it was just a spider but can you go please?"
I nodded saying a quick goodbye as I leaped away, I went to my room and continued my list

-wears human clothes
-doesn't go to school
-left in the middle of a meal
-looking at the ceiling
-screaming as they told me to go

I would get to the bottom of this.

I was just sitting in my room when I heard it.
A scream.
Callas scream.
I quickly raced to find her on the floor curled in a ball with her hands tightly covering her ears,
soon Mom and Dad were both at my side, Dad had told Eclipse to go since yeah as Kenric joined us.
I quickly ran to her side sitting down on the floor as I gently grabbed her head so she would stop shaking so much I laid down next to her and whispered in her hair (her ears were still covered) as Mom and Dad Kenric all knelt down next to us.
"Sshh it's ok your going to be ok sh sh sh."
She was freaking out way more than normal but this had turned into our life so of course we all knew what to do.
It had been 10 minutes and she only just started calming down so Dad gently picked up her still curled up body and gently placed her on the bed as I moved to I was still next to her and Kenric took her other side while Dad and Mom sat at the foot of the bed.
And after a while she opened up her tightly closed eyes and removed her hands from her ears so laying down flat on the bed as she looked up at the stars and counting the seconds .
"1 second 2 seconds........" on and on.
Mom moved carefully towards her because the new rule was Mom had to check Callas mind every time she had an incident which was at least once a day.
After a few moments Mom gasped and stumbled back.
"What's wrong?"
"The Neverseen they were here."

I could kinda heard Mom explaining what had happened but I didn't need to hear it, I was there when lady Gisela and Alden came, I was there when there tried to choke me and when they through me to the floor.
So I focused on counting the seconds as I watched the stars above my head,
"3 minutes 43 seconds, 3 minutes 44 seconds."
At 12 minutes 54 seconds I heard everything go quite and I blinked to find the whole family there Mom and Dad were both touching one of my legs while Kenric and Amy held my hands. I squeezed there hands as I finally moved my gaze so I could really see then, they all smiled at me and I could tell they weren't leaving.
I looked down to see they had rapped the blanket tightly around me just how I like it so after a few moments of them just staring at me I smiled tiredly as I spoke.
"So are you guys just going to look at me or get in the bed and we could I don't know watched a film?"
They all laughed as Mom got the laptop and we all snuggled up to each other as a family, this seemed to be part of it when I had a huge incident we would sit and watch a film as a family.
And it was really nice even though I don't really watch the films I will just stare at the stars but it helped hearing it and feeling the warmth of my family and I knew then that Amy and Kenric would not go to school tomorrow.
That was the only reason they went to school because Mom and Dad promised if I had a huge incident they didn't have to go to school.
And I had made a list of my incident levels;

Incident levels
1) tiny incident-deal with it by my self
2) small incident-can deal with by myself but easier with someone
3) normal incident-needs 1 person there
4) big incident-best with 2 people there
5) huge incident-whole family

The most common one was number 3 a normal incident but they all come and go as they please and I just have to deal with it when it comes.
I only just realised that the movie had finished and that I was the only one awake so I rested my head on Amy's shoulder and let sleep take me away too.

Hey there how you doing also I know I have been updating a lot I just have no school today and I get bored but anyway

Flossy out

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