Chapter 9(the mission)

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"So what are we going to do?"
I said pulling my cloak on over my armband.
"Send a message." Lady Gisela spoke with a wicked grin on her face.
I was at a Neverseen hideout with Gethen and Gisela, they were arming themselves with daggers and throwing stars but all they gave me were special discs to create a distraction if i needed to get away. The plan was we were going to show up at one of there houses where they were all gathered to discuss plans. We were going to go and make it clear I was on their side and create a bit of chaos.
"So how will be there?"
"The Council (our leaders) your careless family and there old friends from the lost cities, it will be quite a crowd so it will send quite a message." Gethen smiled at me in the sweet way he always did. The way mom and dad had described him was nowhere close to reality, he was really nice and caring and could always tell when something was up.
"Is everyone ready?"
Well there was only 2 of us but me and Gethen both nodded at Gisela. With that we walked to the leap master and Gethen called out.
Then the light whisked then away.
They arrived in the middle of what looked like a really weird zoo there were pastures filled with animals but they looked like nothing I had ever seen before. We walked silently to the house and as they walked through the door Lady Gisela shouted over all the screaming.

We all stepped as far away as possible from the 3 cloaked figures at the door as I shouted,
"Where is my daughter!"
"You mean me?"
One of the figures said pulling down there hood, I tried not to believe it but there it was my daughter wearing a Neverseen robe and the amont of anger shown in hear eyes. The flecks of gold in her brown eye had changed to shards of glass slicing through my heart.
Keefe gasp, putting an arm around my shoulder as Amy and Kenric reaching for each other's hands.
After a moment of silence Keefe spoke.
"Ok listen to me Calla I don't know what lies they have fed you put I promise you there all lies."
"Lies," Calla scoffed her gaze cold and stern, "they told me no lies they simply struck a deal with me and showed me how they were going to make the world become a better place than the mess it is now."
"This is about Heather isn't it?" I spoke softly through the silence.
She looked shocked needed a moment before she spoke.
"How do you know about Heather?"
"I told then," Amy said stepping forward, letting go of Kenric's hand, "please Calla just come with us I know what they say might seem reasonable but trust me it isn't it's just them twisting their words to make it sound right. Take my hand please and we can work out something for you with Heather."
One of the Council members coughed but Amy ignored them keeping her eyes looked on Calla as she reached out a hand to Calla and for a moment it looked like she wanted to take it. Well until Gethen place a hand on Calla's shoulder making her look at him.
"We are not the ones pouring sugar in your ears right now."
The look in her eyes from my daughter to whatever the Neverseen have turned her into, I let out a soft sob at the thought, then my gaze landed on Gethen. I felt the anger bubble inside me, I felt the knot of emotions under my ribs loosen because how dare he, how dare he do that to my sweet innocent Calla. I was about to run up to him and tear him to shreds but a soothing blue breeze brushed through my mind calming me. After a moment I realised Keefe had pulled off my gloves, I turned to him smiling thankfully before taking a deep breath and turning back to the Neverseen and Calla.
"Well that's all we wanted to say," Gethen clapped his hands together, "oh except this. NOW!"
All three hooded figures tossed discs at the floor that create cloud of smoke, when the smoke had finally cleared they were nowhere to be seen.

Sorry it was so short I wanted that to be the ending tho but also that was really cool to write and sorry it's coming out later I was out most of the day so I had to speed write it anyway

Flossy out

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