Chapter16 (the battle)

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Ok I hate to say it but I'm SO BORED: I have been standing outside for I checked my watch.
5 minutes.
Only 5 minutes, ugh this is going to take forever.
Every one except me was hiding in trees or under some over form of plant life.
It was definitely noon, why was my Mother late, she's never late to anything.
Almost on que there was a flash of light as 3 people strode towards me.
My Mother.
And who I assumed it was Ruy.
"Hello Keefe are you ready to for fill your legacy?"
She was dressed in a baby pink dress with a black butterfly pattern that went along the sleeve and round the waist, and of course with a long black cloak with a symbol that every time I saw it I wanted to claw my eyes out. She even had the guts to put a crown on her blonde hair which was hanging in soft curls. Wow.

"So yeah about that, I just wanted to know what my Legacy really is?"The plan was to find out as much information as possible then ATTACK! I smirked trying to look as calm as possible as I continued

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"So yeah about that, I just wanted to know what my Legacy really is?"
The plan was to find out as much information as possible then ATTACK! I smirked trying to look as calm as possible as I continued.
"Because I just realised you never actually told me what it is or what I'm meant to do?"
"Well, that's because you always tell your friends and Moonlark and we can't have them finding out yet, I want it to be a surprise. So unless you fully committed to the order then you will never know well until it's time."
I let out a frustrated sigh as Mother smiled at me looking very pleased with herself for how she answered, after a moment she held out a hand to me stepping closer as she whispered softly.
"Now come with me, and let the fun began."
But all I did was smirk as I shouted,
"Oh yeah about that, NOW!!"
My Mom jumped back as they all jumped in, quickly she went and whispered something in Gethens ear as he nodded and quickly held a crystal to the light and glittered away.
Before anyone els could leave Maruca trapped them both in a force field,but Lady Gisela just smiled like she was exactly where she wanted to be.
Where did Gethen go?
"What are you planning?"
She smiled innocently,
"You went back on your word so I'm making good on my threat."
No no no no no.
"How do you know where they are!?"
I shouted.
The figure who I thought was Ruy laughed but it wasn't Ruy, one had a particularly crisp accent.
No it couldn't be.
But when they removed there hood it was.
I gasped,
He gave me a wicked grin.
Not an Alden smile.
This can't be happening.
But it was.
Alden was part of the Neverseen.
"Hello Keefe."
Every one gasped especially Grady and Bronte, before we could fully react a group of what had to be 20 Neverseen members came charging in.
In a blink of an eye the force field dropped away and the battle began.
I didn't really focus on it I was to worried about whatever Mommy dearest was going to do to my family.

"Ugh how much longer do we have to stay here for?"
I groaned for what had to be the 10000th time, Mom laughed,
"Your just like your father you know?"
"But we have been here for hours." I moaned.
"An hour." Amy corrected.
"And 5 minutes." Calla finished.
We all laughed even one of the goblins guarding us smiled.
Our moment of joy was cut short by a flash of light as Gethen appeared in front of us, all the goblins quickly went to protect us but all Gethen did was laugh.
"Since you and Keefe have decided to not follow the instructions I have come here so that you pay the price."
Mom stepped in front of us borrowing a sword from a goblin.
"Get away from my kids!"
Gethen laughed again as he took a knife out of his pocket that made Mom gasp.
Suddenly he froze as Amy softly chuckled,
"Yeah so as she was saying your not coming near any of us."
Gethen face twisted into a smile as Amy clutched her head and stumbled back as she lost control over his mind.
"I like you so I will be taking you Amy oh and also."
In one smooth motion he moved his dagger so it stabbed one of the goblins in the heart.
Me and Calla screamed as the soldier fell to the ground.
Gethen then tried to move to Amy but the remaining goblins, me, Calla and Mom made a line in front of her making it clear that he wasn't taking anyone.
Gethen quickly took me from the line pressing a gun thing to my head as he explained what had now turned into a game.
"This is called a Zapper, I think it explains it self but just in case it didn't."
He pulled the trigger and an electric shock from through my body making me thrash and scream as tears streamed down my face.
"So what about now?"
He was so evil and it hurt so much but I couldn't let them take Amy so I spoke through gritted teeth,
Another zap like lightning racing through my vains brought me to my knees as Gethen moved so he was still holding me.
"I would think twice before speaking if I were you, little boy."
After a moment Amy gave in,
"Fine take me just leave Kenric alone."
Gethen dropped me as I crumpled to the floor I heard him speak,
"I see you the smart one."
I couldn't see anything I had my eyes closed tight trying to stop the pain but I heard a shuffle and a,
"Goodbye I love you."
From Amy then a,
"I love you to," from either Mom or Calla I couldn't tell then they both rushed towards me as I could finally open my eyes.
I saw all the goblins crouch around the fallen guards as Mom asked me if I was I ok, I nodded slowly.
After a moment Dad rushed in looking like he had definitely had a fight as he looked from the fallen goblin in me still shaking slightly from the shocks.
Then Dad seemed to realise as he scanned the room one more time before saying.
"Where's Amy?"
We all looked at each other before Calla finally spoke up.
"She gone."


Wow that's deep also we got 190 readers so I'm so happy you like this and I will keep on trying to update as much as possible but since there is nothing left to say

Flossy out

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