Chapter 13 (a close call)

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I woke up still in bed with the whole family the computer still open and long dead.
Like Heather.
All because of me.
It was my fault.
All my fault.
I wrapped my arms tightly around my knees trying to hold myself together as my eyes blurred with tears. I felt someone stir beside, felt someone grab my hand but I was to focused on the guilt as it clawed at my brain and right before my brain was about to crack a cool blue breeze whisked through my mind bringing with it calm. I repeated the word in my brain.
Calm the heck down Calla.
But it wasn't working not until I heard a voice in my mind. Mom's voice. She was saying it wasn't my fault and that I couldn't go and that so many people needs me and I have to come back for them. And I did. I couldn't do that to Kenric and Amy and Mom and Dad so I fought against it growing stronger with Mom and whoever was sending the blue breeze helped me pull myself back until I could feel my body I closed my eyes taking deep breaths as the guilt slithered away.
After a while my eyes cleared and I blinked to see Mom and Dad staring at me with worry etched in there features.
"Oh thank god." Mom wrapped her arms around me, "don't you ever do that again."
Dad joined in probably hugging me even tighter.
"You better be glad I'm an Empath. Do you have any idea how dangerous it is to feel that level of guilt."
Well I kinda did I had heard stories about how elves minds can break in 2 ways 1: a weird thing call a memory break 2: feeling to much guilt.
"I'm sorry." My voice was thick, "it's just if I had never became friends with Heather then."
My voice trailed of as another wave of guilt flooded my senses and I felt the pressure in my hand increases as another blue breeze flushed the guilt away. I looked to find Dad hold my hand while he also held Moms in his other hand. It took me a second to realise that he must be the one sending the waves of calm that came rushing in.
"Thanks." I mumbled staring at the floor.
"What's going on?" Kenric rubbed his eyes as he sat up.
"Nothing sweetie." Mom replied with a warm smile.
"Well if we are all awake," I said with a wicked grin. "Does that mean I can wake Amy up."
"Only if I can help." Kenric added with the same smirk as his Father.
Mom and Dad looked at each other for a moment before probably realising they couldn't stop us and nodded with a sigh.
Me and Kenric looked at each other for a second and we both know exactly what to do to we both went to either side of her and on the count of three we both jumped on her laughing.
She jolted awake looking really disoriented as she shrieked
"You would never have the chance." Me and Kenric high fived looking really pleased with our selves, Amy turned to Mom and Dad who were trying to hide there snickers as they both shrugged innocently.
"Unbelievable." Amy muttered.

"Wow." It seemed to be the only word any of my kids could say.
We had just arrived at the new house called Moonjade (A/N I'm really bad at names) and Amy, Calla and Kenric were running from room to room and they had already seemed to claim there rooms.
Me and Keefe watched them squeal as they saw all the massive rooms and to be honest each room was like the size of the bottom floor in our old house. I was trying to be excited but all I could think out was how close Calla had came to breaking. I am SO glad Keefe is such a good Empath and Calla picked up my super strong emotions so that obviously woke him up then he woke me up so I could enhance him so he could calm her down.
But I will never forget the way she looked, the way her eyes glazed over, the way she tensed up and I hope it will never happen again but I think the guilt might win at some point. No. I will do everything in my power to make sure I never have to see her like that.
I'm so glad I can heal minds if it does though.
"So." I spoke quite enough so the kids wouldn't hear me but loud enough that I didn't have to lean in to Keefe and look really suspicious.
"Are we ever going to talk about what happened this morning with Calla?"
Keefe tensed. "I don't know if we should to her but I... ugh I don't know what to do," he ran a hand through his hair, "I mean her mind was so close to breaking I mean my Empathy doesn't normally work when I'm asleep it's only because it was SO strong but...." his voice trailed of so I finished.
"But if we don't want her mind to break buy talking to her about it."
"So we sweep it under the rug."
"Unless it happens again but other than that we just have to keep a close I on her."
We both agreed and continued watching the kids who were all laying on the ground panting and laughing.
Me and Keefe looked at each other before sitting on the ground with them pulling out a packet of Oreos from my pocket and so we laughed and eat them even though I knew. Just like Keefe knew. Things were about to get a whole lot worst.

Now that was kinda short and since I'm such a nice person I decided to give you what happened at the start in Keefe point of view. So your welcome and here we go.


I was deep in a dreamless sleep when a wave of guilt hit me and I was confused because I didn't feel guilty. It took my tired brain a few moments to piece the pieces together. I was an Empath. Someone els was feeling the feeling. I stirred and sat up where I found Calla, her sitting with glazed eyes, tear stained cheeks and arms wrapped tightly around herself as she gently trembled from the guilt.
I quickly sprang into action I lightly shook Sophie until she stirred.
"What?" She mumbled still have asleep.
"It's Calla." My breaths quickened as I stared to panic, "her mind is breaking."
Sophie's eyes sprung open and she sat up quickly as she saw Calla shaking form.
"What do we do?" Sophie started to panic.
"Um." I was trying to think though the panic and it was almost like a lightbulb lit up in my head, "you could enhance me and I could calm her down."
Sophie quickly twined our fingers together as I gently moved Callas hand from the knee to my hand.
I sent blue breeze after blue breeze but it was only making small improvement,
"It's not working."
Now I was really starting to panic but Sophie seemed to be thinking clearly because she said.
"I have an idea you keep doing that I'm going to try something."
She closed her eyes as her brows furrowed in concentration, I have no idea what she was doing but it was working Calla was slowly. Very very slowly calming down. She closed her eyes as her breaths steadily and after another minute she opened them as the last of her guilt dissipated.
But I know it is going to come back and let's just hope me and Foster can be there to stop it.


Ok so if you guys didn't know I haven't been at school for the past 2 weeks and that's why I could write this but I'm going back to school tomorrow and that will probably change my update schedule so just bare with me and we will see when I can get the next chapter out to you. Anyway

Flossy out

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